Chapter 3 - First day at UA part 1

Start from the beginning

The others looked at us having our reunion. Until Nezu cleared his throat and told everyone to introduce themselves, everyone did as told and after everyone finished, it was my turn, "Some if not all of you might know me already, judging by your reaction when I came in, but just in case you don't, I'm Izuma Yagi-Midoriya, adopted daughter of all might as well as the youngest Pro hero, and the reason I'm even here is because I have to finish hero studies. My quirk is called anything black, it allowed me to do literally anything as long as it appears as the colour black, it's limitless as long as I have an open mind I can do pretty much anything with it." as I was done talking a girl with black long hair said, "I knew I recognised you, I'm a huge fan of yours. As a matter of fact, my quirk allies me to create anything as long as I know how it looks like, but you're on a whole other level. I've also seen some of your fights and I'm just impressed." after she finished I said. "Thank you, it makes me happy to know you support me, I'm Izuma, but you already know that, you can use my name if you want, umm." Momo, Momo Yaoyorozu, call me Momo." she said, "It's a pleasure to meet you. But if you don't mind, I have to go, I got special permission to take part in the exam and I don't want to be late for the instructions. Bye, oh Principal Nezu? Can you tell Present Mic I'm sorry for crashing his explanation, thanks." as I left I heard him say, "Just don't get into too much trouble, Izuma, You wouldn't want them to dress you up again and record you stuck at the top of the school again, with everyone watching." "Uhhh, don't even remind me!"

When I got there present mic was busy talking and explaining the point system when a smart kid pointed out 4 robots, not 3. Present mic started to explain it's not a mistake and that the robot is part of the exam and just as he was about to say it's not worth taking it down as you won't get anything, I interrupted him, transporting myself at the side of the stage and saying, "I wouldn't worry about that one, its the zero pointers, if you were to take it down it won't give you any points, I would just ignore it." I said as the smart kid said, "who are you? If you're here to ruin the exam, leave now!" I was taken back by this and said, "Whoah calm down, I'm not here to ruin anything, if anything I'm here to make it interesting." all of a sudden some people in the audience said, "Wait, aren't you the pro hero, Black Star?! What are you doing here!?" The rest of the room just stared at me in disbelief, they have all heard of me. All of a sudden Present mic said, "Izuma here, or Black Star is to be a student here on recommendations from pro heroes. She will also be taking the entrance exam as she only excepted the recommendations if she was allowed to take part." Everyone looked in even more shock at the girl.

Eventually when instructions were given out of where the students had to go everyone went to their respective gates and waited for the exam to start. But before Izuma could leave to get prepared present mic told her, " prepare yourself, izuma, me and Midnight will get revenge for what you did here." I gulped, knowing exactly what will happen if I'm not careful.

I was the last one there and as soon as I got there, the others were looking at me. After a couple of unbearably silent minutes and people staring at me. Present Mic's voice could be heard and he said "GO!!" when the gates opened. "Well, what are you waiting for, go, go, GO!" The moment he said the third 'go' I whispered, "time stop" and everyone around me was frozen. I took my time, instead of running in I flew around slowly, destroying nearby robots, going farther in until I eventually gathered at least 600 points. It was quite easy as the robots were frozen as well. There were lots of robots still at the back so I used gravity control to spread them out through the city, some at the front, others at the sides and some at the back. I even build new ones which will not affect my total score and those I hid around the city in large groups for those who find them gets lots of points. After I was done setting them up I flew above the town and said, "time continue" and watched everyone run in, shocked that some robots were destroyed. The teachers, however, looked at the scoreboard and there it was, 1 second in and I already have 645 points beating all might score and get a new world record.

I occasionally saw some people in trouble and I would go down and help them, letting them get the robots afterwards, or healing someone with black flames or black blood that I summon.

Eventually, the number of robots decreases and the teachers send in the zero pointer. And as soon as they all see the gigantic zero pointer, everyone runs the opposite direction, as I was about to fly away, I hear someone shouting for help and I see the brunette with short hair who helped me at the front, and without thinking, I fly in front of it and punch it with 15% of one for all, destroying it completely and knocking the parts remaining backwards. I quickly fly down and get the girl out of trouble and heal the injury she had because her legs were stuck between pieces of rubble the robot caused.

All of a sudden I see recovery girl, coming towards me and the girl, she sees the girl isn't injured anymore, probably healed. She then said, "You really got to stop healing my patients or I won't have a job anymore." heh I'm sorry recovery girl, I healed her because it was too serious for me to wait to heal her." I replied. "It's fine, just leave it to me next time, ok?"

When the exam was over, I went to see my dad as well as the other teachers. When I got there, present mic and Midnight looked at me evilly as if already having plans on what they will do and how they will dress me up this time. This sent chills down my spine, and noticing their looks and how uncomfortable I was, uncle Shota starred them down and said, "Don't even try!" and then as if on cue the other teachers saw me, as they were busy before, and all of them stood up, approached me and congratulate me on a job well done. And then when all might saw me he said: "Ah, perfect timing, would you like to know your overall score Izuma?" He asked. "yes, please!" I said. He then showed my results and puffed up to his all might form and said in the proudest voice ever, "You have received 645 villain points and 440 hero points and all together you have 1,085 points! Not only did you beat my record of 185 points, but you beat the world's record of 290 points, by a very high difference. And so it is with great pleasure that I say this, well done, you did great and welcome to your Hero Academia!"

I hope you liked this and that it was up to your standard. Sorry if there was any spelling mistakes.

This chapter officially has 2023 words!

The Anything black hero: Izuma MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now