Chapter 6

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Castle didn't dare go anywhere close to her. Too afraid to scare her. Too afraid to lose her. She'd already backed away so far from him that he was almost happy he was the one closest to the door, that way he knew she couldn't go anywhere without approaching him. But it also scared him because he didn't want her to feel like he was keeping her there, didn't want her to feel like she couldn't run, didn't want her to feel prisoner. She was his soulmate for god's sake! All he wanted was for her to accept him as he was and love him the way he loved her.

"I was going to tell you Kate, you need to know that, I just... I don't know how," his voice wasn't much louder than a whisper and he hoped to god she could hear him. Her eyes were begging him to spit it out and so he did, in the least gracious way. "I'm a werewolf."

Her jaw dropped and he silently cursed himself under his breath. He started to stammer, trying to come up with something, anything, to explain himself.

"No." Her whisper was so faint he almost didn't even hear her. "It's... not possible. No," she repeated again while shaking her head. "No, werewolves don't exist." Her voice was stronger, more confident, she really didn't believe.

He took a careful step forward and felt a sting to his chest that had nothing to do with the gun shot when his partner took an equal step back. How was he supposed to make her believe without frightening her? Kate Beckett didn't scare easily and he was surprised by her behavior. Did the idea of werewolves being real scare her that much? Or was it the fact that he'd lied and never told her the truth? Carefully he raised his hands to his shirt, starting to unbutton his shirt in order to take it off. Maybe this could work.

"What are you doing?" Beckett questioned and glancing up to her he could tell she was about to panic, her heart picking up in speed. He tried his best to stay calm, to transfer his calm to her.

"Just look at my wound," he said gently. He wiped away the blood with his shirt in order to reveal the small scar on his chest, which was now the only evidence he'd even gotten shot.

He dropped his shirt on the floor, figuring he would pick it up later, and stood with his arms slightly stretched out. It was up to her to believe now. She'd seen the wound, seen the shot, so he hoped he wouldn't have to change in order for her to believe him. Hopefully the healed wound would be enough. At first her eyes wouldn't leave his, as if she was afraid to look away, but at the same time he could see the fight she was having with herself. The fight between believing and just waving it off as a joke. The second her hazels left his blues and wandered down to his chest she let out a loud gasp, her feet immediately taking off towards him. He had to freeze his body not to back at her sudden change in position. Her eyes were wide with shock and confusion as her fingers suddenly were on his chest, starting a careful trace on his marred skin. Castle had to concentrate hard in order not to shiver at the sudden electricity her fingers transferred into his body, had to stop the shudder from breaking out. This was not at all the reaction he'd expected. He'd expected her to keep her distance, since that's what she'd done ever since they got to his home. And, fuck, she got close. All Castle could think about was her. The scent of her, the beating heart of hers, the warmth radiating from her body. And all he really wanted to do was wrap his arms around her and hug her tight, all while praying she wouldn't leave him.

"How is this even possible? You didn't wear a vest," she mumbled and he wasn't sure if she was talking to herself or actually expected him to answer. "I saw you get shot! You were shot." Her tone was strong, yet insecure and he could pretty much hear her mind working, trying to figure out what the hell had happened only an hour earlier.

"I was." Her eyes snapped back up to his and carefully he put his hand over hers, carefully letting his fingers trace the back of her hand before he covered her hand completely. "I was shot, Kate, but thanks to my genes it didn't matter."

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