Chapter 4

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For the next couple of days they spent every free moment searching for everything Hannah Lorenz might've been into. It wasn't until they found a diary in a hidden drawer in her bed that they got a clue that actually started to make sense, at least to Castle. Beckett had first considered it some story their victim was going to try and publish, but Castle had immediately noticed it for what it was and offered himself to read it and try to find any connections at all to her personal life. When his partner had given her that look of disbelief he'd told her how stories sometimes resembled the author in real life. She'd narrowed her eyes and he could tell her mind had immediately gone to his books, perhaps even the stories of her, but she'd simply handed him the book and told him to let her know if he found anything. He just hadn't been sure how to convert "He was there, what if he saw me turn? What if he finds out we are real?" into a human-scenario.

"Castle, are you sure this isn't just a fictional scenery? And why would someone choose to make a silver bullet because of a story she wrote?" Beckett asked as he approached her with the writings.

How was he supposed to tell her all of this once he got to it? "I really think we should look into her coworker, the way she describes him in this story... I think he could be behind it," he waved the book in front of her.

"How can you be sure it's the coworker then, huh? Wouldn't she change the occupation?" she questioned with narrowed eyes and Castle bit back his tongue before he could blurt out it wasn't just a story, it was a diary.

"Well, maybe that's why he killed her, because he somehow found out about the story and how she was going to turn him into the bad guy, maybe that's why he made a silver bullet. He wanted her to get the fate he'd give her in the book."

Even he doubted his words when they left his mouth, knew she would doubt them too, but hoped at least she would believe in the possibility enough to investigate it. Castle held his breath in the wait for the detective to decide what to do, could see the argument she was having with herself in her hazel green eyes. After what felt like minutes but were most likely only a couple seconds, because let's face it he'd pass out if it had been several minutes, she gave off a grunt and rolled her eyes.

"Fine, but just because we don't have any other leads," she turned around to get her coat and he had to use all his strength in order not to let go of a joyous shout.

He let her lead the way to the elevator and tried his best not to look as nervous as he was. What if the coworker, John Walton, already knew Castle was one of the wolves too? What if John already had more silver bullets in his possession? He could feel his heart beat harder against his chest as he tried to act as normal as he could, tried to keep his calm so his partner wouldn't get a feel of his worries. Still, he couldn't help but prepare for whatever might be waiting for them at the store Hannah had worked at.

"You okay, Castle?"

He jerked back at her sudden question and gave her a questioning look. She shrugged and looked down at the ground, he could see the slight blush appearing on her cheeks along with hearing the small peak of her heartbeat.

"You're awfully quiet lately, ever since this case first started," she explained, avoiding eye contact with him as the elevator descended the last level before the doors opened.

"I just..." he tried to think of something, "I got a lot on my mind, Alexis has some problems in school."

He lied, of course it was a lie, but it was a believable lie. At least he hoped so.

"Oh? Anything I can help with?" she offered and he glanced at her as they walked out of the elevator.

It warmed his heart how easily she offered help, so effortless. She'd done that quite a lot, especially when it came to Alexis. Which was probably why his daughter wanted him to just tell the woman the big secret, tell her they were soulmates and especially tell her of what they were. His partner had definitely won her way into his daughter's heart as well as his. And he couldn't deny it comforted him knowing she had a gun she could use on the boyfriends who got too handsy. Even if he had no doubt his girl could defend herself, he'd taught her everything he knew.

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