They laughed.

"Finding two people willing to put up with your bullshit, you sure hit the jackpot," Paris said.

"That's the truth, I did."

"So Dylan, how long do you suppose it will be before he asks us for a threesome?"

Dylan gave a deer-in-the-headlights look.

"Probably never," Tanner said. "I don't know how you'd feel, but I don't think Dylan would be comfortable with that, and once I started worrying about it, I don't think I'd be any good to either of you."

Dylan sighed with relief, Paris nervously. "Probably for the best," she said. Since when does he care how Dylan feels?

"I'm in my prime, I recover quickly, so one at a time should work just fine."


Soon after they arrived at the "cabin" - a large house Tanner rented - they made their way out to the cliffs. They had just gotten to the spot they were going to jump from when Dylan's knee started to hurt.

Without pausing for thought, Tanner dropped down, quickly examined and kissed it. He noticed Paris looking curiously. "I always kiss his boo-boos."

"I'm very prone to injuries," Dylan joked nervously. "He's saved me numerous hospital trips."

"Take two kisses and call me in the morning," Tanner joked, giving Dylan's knee a second kiss.

After determining Dylan would be OK left behind, Tanner filmed an explanation of Dylan's status and proceeded to jump with Paris. Dylan waited a bit, then jumped with his good leg. They did a few more jumps and then stayed in the water and on a boat for a while until it started to rain.

Back at the cabin, Tanner's family had claimed the three bedrooms, leaving the other trio to occupy the large living area with three couches. Tanner realized the lack of privacy would be a constraint for both Paris and Dylan, which his mom must have intended.


During the night, Tanner woke up in a panic. Dylan and Paris both rushed to him, but Paris glared at Dylan to stay back, and got there first, claiming this as girlfriend territory. She tried to calm Tanner, but it wasn't working. As his anxiety worsened, the noise woke up Kim, who came out to check on them.

"What should I do?" Paris asked.

Kim surveyed the situation and saw Dylan standing helplessly by. "I think you should get out of the way and let Dylan try."

Paris didn't like that answer but reluctantly backed off. Dylan sat down on the couch where Tanner had been sleeping and put his arms around him, producing almost instant success. Paris's mouth dropped open. Dylan picked up Tanner and maneuvered him into his lap and cradled him.

"I know how it feels," Kim told Paris. "How do you think I felt the first time I realized the only thing I could do for my little boy was drive to Dylan's house in the middle of the night and try to explain to his mother the concept of an emergency sleepover? He was 8. But once I knew, I didn't hesitate to give him what he needed."

"Is Tanner gay? Is he just saying he's bi cuz he doesn't want to admit it?"

"I don't know, honey. I mean, I don't think so. I don't have any reason to doubt him. But sometimes he needs Dylan. We don't really question that. ... My advice: Be careful about trying to come between them."

Dylan interrupted. "Can I get some help here?" Tanner was sleeping like a baby in Dylan's arms with his face nuzzled against Dylan's neck. Well, a baby with a rather large erection no one could see, and Dylan wanted to keep it that way. Dylan knew it was an involuntary reaction to being in a deep sleep, but explaining that to Paris wasn't likely to go over well.

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