"Evan," she tried yet again, turning on a begging tone, "you... I need help. I need you to drive me. I'm begging you."

"No. I"m done with this. Ever since you met her, ever since you started going to Clayton Prep, you've been different. You changed. I don't know what the hell it is. I don't know the reason whatsoever. Is it that fucking Nate kid? Is this Izzie shit just an excuse to see him? God, I'll beat his ass, I swea-"

"Evan!" Casey nearly shrieked, finally getting him to shut up.

Tears brimmed her eyes. She didn't want it to happen like this. The track star didn't want to hurt him; she never wanted to tell him. She just had hoped, one day, that everything would become normal again. Casey definitely didn't want to have to tell him like this. But why did it seem that it was the only option right now? The brunette took several shaky breaths, treading carefully with her next couple of words.

"Nothing happened with me and Nate. Clayton didn't change me." Lie. "I love... you, and only you." Lie. "But I... I have to help her. I don't expect you to understand why..."

Mistake 2.

"You're right, I don't get it," Evan agreed angrily. "and I won't ever, I guess, because I go to the fucking dumb technical school. And I'm not rich. I'm broke as shit. I don't get why people can get mad for having a birthday party thrown for them, or just having rich people shit. I don't fucking get it."

"Not here," the brunette pleaded, feeling a tear roll down her cheek. She blinked the rest of them away, staring up at the blond. "Please. I just... right now, I just need you to, drive me, Evan."

"You know what? I'm not gonna. If we're not doing this here, we're not doing this ever, or at least for another long time, until your selfish ass decides it's convenient to see me. I don't know if that'll ever happen, honestly, given how long you took to agree to going out this time. I'm tired, Casey. I'm tired of being the only person to try. Do you know how hard it is going out with someone who treats you like you're second place? I don't know what you do in your free time, but I bet it's something with those Clayton kids. I never get time with you; it's only if everyone else is busy. I doubt you're even going to be fucking upset, you're just gonna shrug this the fuck off as you do with me normally anyway."

Casey stood there speechless, watching as Evan pulled something out of his pockets. His keys. He took one of them off the ring, throwing it to Casey. Casey caught it, frozen in shock. She didn't know what to do, and she didn't want to turn on the car now, while he still was there. She waited for Evan to say something.

"Go off to wherever you 'need' to be," he grumbled, hands shoved in his pockets, "and get Sam to give that key back. He can find Beth."

With that, Evan turned around, storming off to head back into the bar. Casey was left alone in the summer night, unsure of what to do or say. Should she call after him? Too late, he was far off already, just entering the bar. The door to the bar slammed shut after Evan, breaking Casey's frozen spell. She checked the time on her phone, 11:37. It had been fifteen minutes since Izzie had called, and Casey felt like she had wasted too much time. She needed to hurry the hell up.

Casey scrambled to get into the car, starting the ignition right away.

Mistake 3.


Izzie was worried. Casey had said she would be coming soon, and Izzie's house was at max ten minutes from any part of town. She paced around the room, unsure of what to do.

"Is Sawyer not coming?" Lydia asked.

She was the only other awake. Their mother and her boyfriend were in the other room, doing God knows what, while Luca and Marco were asleep in the room. Since they took up the only two beds in the room, Lydia and Izzie were left to make do with the ground by stacking some clothes to create a makeshift mattress.

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