When A Good Girl Meets A Bad Boy.

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Ronnie Radke was the type of guy your parents warned you to stay away from but he was so unbeliveably hot that you just didnt listen and he was accualy intressted in ME! just your average girl i couldnt see why but he said there was something about me that made him want to do bad things to me, his words had made me melt into a little puddle in my seat, we talked and flirted for a good ten minutes before he had to go, his little message he left me before he went was the icing on top of the cake i couldnt stop reading it over and over again...

Ronnie Radke...

'Goodnight Good Girl ;) dream sweetly of me'

i had responced back with a 'Goodnight bad boy :P' he was gone offline then but i knew he would see it when he came back online, that night i did indeed dream about him, i couldnt believe my luck out of all the girls that had dreamed of talking to Ronnie Radke i was the one Ronnie thought was good enough to talk to that really made me smile. i stretching out in my bed and felt the ache that ran though my body a remberance of another night of not enough sleep but this time it was not due to a bad hang over it was because of Ronnie Radke, reaching for my phone i checked what time i had slept into it was 1pm i groaned i had less then 5 hours sleep  i was going to be really tired today guess that would mean drinking shit loads of coffee again, oh well.

"Liisa?" Kaseys voice came from the other side of her door without knocking she creeked it open alittle peeking in she smiled when she seen i was awake.

"Hey Kase, whats up" my whole body begged me not to get up but i did anyways i wasnt going to stay in bed all day plus what if Ronnie had messaged me again? i had to know.

"wow, you look tired, still not sleeping right then?, is that why you spent all night tapping on your keyboard?" I noticed Kasey had a mug of Coffee in her hand as she entered my room, Hm it smelt delious and it what i needed she was such a good friend to me, i watched as she place a mug onto my night stand and walked over to my desk picking up the other empty mugs i had left there.

"thanks Mom" i joked teasingly Kasey was a clean freak but that didnt bother me if she wanted to clean up after me who was i to complain.

"Living with you and Aaron is such a job you guys leave things lying all around the place, its annoying" she frowned.

"is there anything that doesnt annoy you?" i joked, the amount of times Kasey had tryed to turn me and Aaron vegiterian to no success, we had tried our hardest but at the end of the day we missed our red meat so sneakly we got ourselfs a mc donalds and hid out in Aarons room eating like pigs untill Kasey had found us with guilty mouthfulls and went off on one of her Kasey rants, damn Kasey.

"Just keep this place clean please!" she left my room then with a soft click of my bedroom door and i was alone again.

i listend for afew more seconds and laughed when i heard Aarons muffled curse through my wall he hated when she cleaned his room while he was trying to sleep they were argueing again, Oh God! when were they just going to get it on already they were always fighting, i got up off the side of my bed then and took sipped the boiling coffee it really really damn good Kasey made a mean coffee that was for sure, i set the mug down onto my now clean desk and settled into my chair powering up my laptop and waited i ran some virus programs and updated everything that needed to be done before loading up facebook, to my delight there was a message from Ronnie awating me

'Facebook Message From Ronnie Radke' 

Ronnie Radke...

"i hope your dream of me was a good one, because my dream about you was definalty a good one ;)".

My Social Network Romance With Ronnie Radke (COMPLETED)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat