Chapter 3

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John watched with increased anxiety as an unusually angry Keene roamed around the storage room and called for a Terrence, whoever that was, to come out. There was not a lot of space to hide and John realized that sooner than later Keene would stumble upon him, even with the invisibility playing to his advantage. He considered his limited options: escaping through the door would not be possible as the head of security had locked it with a key upon entering. The only window the room had was very small and at most John would only manage to get stuck there halfway if he tried to use it. That left him with two choices: either trying a sneak attack on Keene, which out of consideration for the always courteous manner (although with some teasing in the middle) that the man treated him with he could not bring himself to do, or...revealing himself. After gathering his courage for a few moments, John deactivated his powers and spoke.

"Sir...I am sorry, it is me here."

The beige-haired man turned to face him with a surprised expression.

"John? What are you of all people doing here? You better have a good explanation for this."

The raven-haired stood silent for a moment, coming up with words. He had to find out first for sure on whose side Keenu was on.

"Sir, who is this Terrence you were calling for?"

"What? What's that got to do with why you are here?"

"Sir, you detected somehow that there was an invisible person inside the storage room, right? And you immediately assumed it was this Terrence person?"

"You triggered the alarm when you inserted the wrong key. From there it was quite a sight for us on the security cameras to see the door just open and close by itself. We had a similar incident recently, and I figured it was the same perpetrator."

"And this Terrence – he is a student at our school with invisibility?"

"Yes. Anyways, I am the one asking questions here," Keene added, trying to put an intimidating expression on, but his friendly demeanor betraying him. "Now what were you doing here? You know this is a really serious violation. And how the hell were you invisible?"

"Sir, I apologize for causing you trouble...but I had to find out something really important."

John went on to re-tell yesterday's incident with the invisible stalker, and how he figured they were connected with Sera's attempted kidnapping and the follow-up attack on his home. Keene was already in the loop of those events, having heard the gist of what happened from the Headmaster, but when John told him the story about the ability-reader at the mall who had gifted Sera a teddy-bear with a tracking device inside, and about how they were attacked on their way home by an invisible man his mood noticeably darkened, putting him deep in thought.

"Sir – this Terence, what was he doing in the storage room before?"

"Same as you, I guess," Keene responded, his tone filled with apprehension. "Trying to get into the high-tiers safe box. Looks like he figured out it would contain information on those not accounted for in the official rankings."

"And he is still at our school? He wasn't suspended or anything?"

"Are you trying to see what punishment awaits you? No, he wasn't suspended, just got a slap on the wrist," Keene answered, visibly unhappy about that situation. "John, I will be frank with you. In our world, there are some people to whom the usual rules don't apply. This is one of those cases. Terrence's father is a board member of this company called NXGen, and they made a rather sizable donation in favor of our facilities last year. The Headmaster was against it, but refusing it would mean cutting on the scholarships, so here we are."

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