Chapter 14

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Batman reacted instantly. His reflexes were slow but he was still able to grab his arm and defend himself from the blade. Bates kicked Batman right in his midsection and swung the knife again. Batman moved away. He slashed again. Miss. Again. Miss.

With a snarl, Bates launched himself at Batman and began punching and kicking every inch of him he could reach. Each of the hits were measured... they were from a Marine well-trained in all basic martial arts! The speed of his kicks were beyond calculation. Before Batman could block one, the other one was upon him.

Batman felt the kicks and punches hit him. With slowed down reflexes and groggy movements, he couldn't block all of them. Yet, shaking himself, he jumped up and grabbed Bates's arm and swung it backwards, locking it behind him.

"I repeat...where is Alfred?" He barked in his ear.

A shrill cackle escaped Bates's mouth. "You are dying, Bruce. I can feel it. You're fighting...but leaving yourself open for my offenses."

He swung himself around and in a swift movement, Bates had Batman in an arm lock. He held him in a military full nelson's hold and shoved his face right into the wall. There was a sick sound as Batman's head banged and scraped against the cement. With another swing, he shoved him into the wall. Again. Again.

"That's for my wife...that's for my daughter...that's for my other daughter, you son of a bitch."

Bates released the full nelson hold and Batman staggered upright, his head spinning. He sidekicked Batman, pulling out his blade. With a confident thrust, Bates stabbed his adversary right into his abdomen, into his poisoned wound.

A painful scream erupted from Batman's mouth. Bates laughed with pleasure.

He pulled out his knife and stabbed him again and again...

Batman screamed with every stab. As a desperate measure, he planted his feet firmly on the ground and shoulder tackled Bates into the wall. The knife was knocked out of his hand and fell out of sight. Bruce heard Bates snarl in frustration.

They both staggered upright and began throwing offenses at each other. Batman, the master of 127 different martial arts was going one on one against a resourceful CIA Agent and a well-trained Marine. Yet, the battle was lopsided. Batman was severely injured and was fighting purely in desperation. Each movement he made tired him further. Bates was healthy and was fighting with every bit of intensity he could procure from his bones. The kicks and jabs he hurled at Batman were far more severe than the ones the latter threw at him, which were purely in self defense.

Batman caught Bates leg and tackled him to the ground. But Bates was back up in a jiffy, grabbing his nemesis's arms and head, twisting them into a grapple hold. Batman fought to escape it but couldn't. He found himself locked in a military sleeper, with Bates's arm around his neck, choking him.

"I'm really enjoying this, Bruce" Bates breathed in his ear. "Maybe I should kill you before I move to your butler? Hmm?"

Batman struggled in vain. Bates was far too focused to dethrone him from this powerful position. His arms were choking him. He was finding it becoming very difficult to breathe.

Bates continued. "But it would be a waste of energy. You're going to die from the poison anyway. And plus we'll miss watching Gotham's hope get extinguish tonight. As my allies cause chaos, the citizens will realise Batman will no longer rush to their rescue. Their hopes will perish just like my family did, believing in the man called Batman". He let out a laughter.

Bruce choked and stuttered. "Y-You're wrong...I'm...I'm not going to die. Gotham...Gotham will ...Gotham will be saved."

Bates blinked. He shook Batman as he loosened his hold to let him speak. "What do you mean? Tell me, you son of a bitch, WHAT DO YOU MEAN?"

Despite himself, Bruce felt his mouth curve into a smirk. "You...You are not the only one with allies, Bates!"

Bates was confused. He mentally revisited his plan.

And then, realisation hit him like a truck.    

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