He went back to examining me.

"It doesn't seem like it." I looked down at my lap. "He's always hurting me or making me feel like the worst person in the world."

Drake sighed pulling out a little light to look in my eyes.

"I know. He has no right doing this to girls especially you. You are something special Kiestin. Just something about you." He put one hand on top of my head and his thumb on my right eyelid lifting it up. "Look up please."

I looked up.

He repeated this with my left eye.

"I don't know what I did to get my friend and I into this."

He stopped. "Wait is that 'maid' down there your friend?"

"Yeah her name is Tatiana. Is she okay?" I looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"Please lay back down." He helped me lay down and I hissed at the sudden pain.

"She's fine. She looks worn and exhausted. She has a couple bruises, but for the most part she looks pretty healthy. Maybe a little skinny."

I gently closed my eyes trying to push back the tears that were threatening at the back of my eyes.

I felt his warm hand on my cold arm. "Hey she's alright. I don't think he would do anything horrible to her as long as you're alive." That made me feel a little better.

I opened my eyes and he began lifting my shirt up to look at my side. My eyes widened when he went up pretty far.

"Don't worry I'm stopping at your bra. I'm not a pedophile like you think everyone else in the gang is."

I relaxed knowing he wasn't going to try anything.

"Whoa." His eyes widened in shock.

"Kiestin how long have your ribs been broken and not attended to?" He gave me a disappointed look.

"I don't know. Maybe 5-6 days. My friend and I tried treating it ourselves because he threatened me and If I told anyone I'd be in trouble. Then he kidnapped me the 3rd and final time and he beat on me and I couldn't treat them."

He shook his head just staring at my side.

"Your side is a mess Kiestin. I have to get you to my place where all my medical equipment is. Some of it has healed, but it's healed back very wrong. You're so lucky you don't have a punctured lung or something. This is just so awful. Does it still hurt?"

I mimicked what he said earlier. "The word hurt is a complete understatement."

"Hold on I will be right back. Stay like I've got you and don't move." Drake got up and exited the room. Leaving me clueless.

Jason's POV:

I gave Drake the finger then stormed out of the room.

I've never liked him. That's a story for another day though.

I walked downstairs to the living room and threw myself on the couch. He just needed to do his business then leave.

I was sitting watching tv when Tatiana came in the room to sweep.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I stood up walking towards her.

"I-I was just sweeping. Y-you told me t-to clean today sir." She took a step back.

"No. You stay where you are. Don't you dare back away from me when I'm talking to you Tatiana!" I stood a couple feet from her.

"Come here now!" I pointed to the spot in front of me. She put down the sweeper and walked to me.

The Hunter, Or Should I Say The HuntedWhere stories live. Discover now