"just so you know, that I love you clem."

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multimedia is so cute :3
|| #3 ||
[One night, Louis on balcony, watching stars alone by himself.
He is depressed over Marlon's death and his own past. ]

*clementine comes in*

Clem: Hey, what are you doing out here in this cold?
*Louis looks behind his back and sees clementine*

Louis: Oh- hey.

Clem: What's going on?

Louis: *still looking up the sky* I'm just... thinking about the past. My parents.

Clementine: Your parents... you've never talked about them before.

Louis: Yeah I know. Forget it, It's uh... long story.
(he doesn't wants to talk about it because he has been through some things before)

Louis: And what about you? You didn't also talked about your past before. I mean, yeah- you did mentioned a man named Lee before, but... you never told me about his personality.

*clementine's face changes, she gets sad as she remembers about lee*

Clementine: Lee... was my hero. He saved me, and died protecting me.

Louis: *looks down, regrets asking her about lee* I'm really sorry...


Louis: Sometimes I think about Marlon. Our good times together. And where would he be now.

Clementine: ...I know he meant a lot to you. I experienced the feeling of losing a person you care a plenty of times.

Louis: L-look I know he has done lots of shit stuff but-

*Clem looks at Louis, waiting him to continue. Louis twists his neck.*

Louis: ...I wouldn't want you dead either.

*at this point both of them are looking deeply in each other's eyes*

Clem: *smiles* I wouldn't want you dead either too.

*Louis smiles back, but he gets nervous so he tries to change the conversation*

Louis: So... do you think we will save them? Aasim, Omar, Violet? *he slowly sits aside and leans against the wall, clem does the same*

Clem: I hope. It's going to be hard, but I won't let them die.

Louis: I know, you will. You're strong.

Clem :*smiles again* You're strong too.

. . .

Louis: L-look, If just in case, one day comes.. and I die...
just so you know, that I love you Clem.

*clem gets surprised*

Clem: W-what?! *chuckles* That will never happen Louis. I'll protect you, with everything I have.

Louis: ...I'll protect you too. With everything I have.

both of them chuckles. louis wraps his arm around clementine and pulls her closer to him, making her lie down on his shoulder, and they quietly continue watching stars.

It was like the time was frozen...

《 clem & louis [clouis] - one shots 》Where stories live. Discover now