Chapter 29

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DST 2: ch 29

I groan in pain as I try to move on this uncomfortable bed. They haven't let me go home yet because of this stupid injury. It's taking a long time for this stab wound to heal, and it doesn't help that I keep reopening the wound. I just want to go home.

    I look down at my little noticeable baby bump and frown. I don't want to spend this much of my pregnancy in the hospital. I look to see Drake in the corner of the room on the phone facing the wall. His body is tense and his voice is harsh and hushed.

    "Drake?" I ask breaking the silence around me. He is quick to turn my way his eyes dark with anger, but he looks me over with concern.

    "What Kitten?" He asks as he puts the phone to his chest.

    "I want to go home. I want my Gizmo." I frown. He sighs before putting the phone to his ear and telling them he'll call back. He hangs up walking towards me.

    "I know Kitten, I know. The hospital won't let them in until they see records of them being service dogs." He takes my hands in his, and brings them to his face to kiss them. I smile at his gesture loving his lips on my skin.

    "Are you getting it done? They say I'm going to be in here for at least another week." He sighs nodding his head.

"Yes, Kitten. In fact they should be here soon." I grin at his words making him chuckle. His lips twitching into a smile I haven't seen in a little while. Ever since that night he hasn't really smiled, if he does it's fake and doesn't reach his eyes. This one makes his green eyes lighten a little.

A knock on the door makes me jump. Drake snaps his head to the door before getting up and walking towards it. I frown feeling his warmth gone replaced by the cold air. He talks to someone behind the door before the door widens more. Gunner and Gizmo come in making me grin. They each wear a vest saying they are service dogs. Gizmo leads the way towards me, but they both tread carefully as they sniff me.

"Hi babies." I sing as I try to sit up more, but that causes pain making me groan. I look to the gauze only to see the white become tainted with some red. I bite my lip cursing this fucking wound.

"Drake?" I call annoyed. He comes into the room and his eyes zero in on the bloody gauze.

"Damnit." He mutters to himself, but I hear it. "I'll go get the nurse." He sighs before walking out the door quick. I pout looking to the dogs, who rest their heads on the bed. Their eyes looking up to me sadness shining in them.

"It's okay, I'm okay." I assure them.

I yawn petting Gizmo's head as we wait for the Doctor. The nurse fixed my wound saying it was only a slight oozing of the where the cut is. Drake is talking on the phone again in the corner. His whole body looking tense making me frown. A knock on the door grabs my attention as the doctor then comes in.

"Hello." She smiles. Drake is quickly off his phone telling the dogs to sit on the opposite side of my bed.

"Hi." I smile back.

"How are you feeling?"

"Much better." I lie through my teeth.

"No. She's still in pain and it keeps bleeding. She can still barely move to get comfortable without groaning in pain, or even move in general." Drake goes off. I look to him wide eyed before looking to the doctor.

"I know you want to go home Lyndsey, but if it's still this bad it will take some more time. Your safety and the baby's safety is most important." The doctor says setting an ultrasound machine up.

Drake's Kitten (completed) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang