Chapter 11

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DST 2: ch 11

    I slowly bring my fork to my mouth not liking this awkwardness that cascades around the table. I look between Drake and my brother, who both watch each other as they eat. "What's the problem?" Drake asks dropping his fork. I hold my breath looking to Cam.

    "My problem? Hum I don't know... my sister is dating a guy who literally fought me." Cam explodes.

"Cam." I warn.

    "Look, I know we started off on the wrong foot. I'm sorry for that, I'm just very protective." Drake says carefully. Cam raises an eyebrow at him.

    "Really? That's all. You knew me two seconds and you were about to kill me. You aren't the school's star boy are you?" Drake just smirks, his hand finding my thigh.

    "Good observation, and you are right. I'm a gang leader, so if I were you I'd be careful." Cam takes a deep breath before looking to me.

    "You're fucking crazy. You know what this means." Cam narrows his eyes on me. Drake seems to lean closer looking between us.

"And what does this mean?" He asks.

"Drake." I groan shooting him a look. He puts his hands up backing away slightly in his seat. I look back to Cam giving him a look too for saying something like that when Drake is in the room.

    "Lynds, just think about it. Really think about it, and if you still really like him then I'll except it." Cam sighs defeated. I smile at him happy he will understand.

    "Thanks Cam." He gives me a small smile before stuffing his mouth with more pancake. I look down at my mostly untouched plate not wanting to eat anything. My nerves are high knowing we are going to see my mom today. "Do you think Chris is going to be there?" I ask. Drake's hand tightens on my thigh making me bite my lip.

    "I don't know. Maybe, he was dead set on finding mom and dad." Drake's grip lessens on my thigh making me breath only somewhat easier.

"Who is Chris?" Cam looks to Drake clearly annoyed. I look to Drake gaining his attention, and his green eyes seem to darken only slightly.

    "Cam's twin." Drake's eyes lighten up as he nods his head looking back to Cam.

    "Was he taken too?" Cam raises an eyebrow at him as my eyes widen as I take in a sharp breath.

    "Taken? No he left to go search for our parents. What makes you think any of them have been taken? They left us." Drake's eyebrows furrow together as he looks towards me. I look down to my plate feeling my heart clench from Cam's words.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Drake lets out. I can tell from his voice though that something is up. He knows something that we don't. "When are we going to visit your mother?" He asks looking towards me. I meet his eyes only to see his are guarded.

    "I want to be there as soon as possible." I look to Cam to see him just nod his head.

    "Lets finish up eating and get ready to go."


    After two hours of clinging to my mother's hand sobbing it was time for us to go home. I couldn't bring myself to look towards Drake once, or Cam. Cam was on the other side of her as I was losing everything I kept inside for four years. I feel arms pull me away, and into a chest before I feel myself lifted off the ground. I wrap my arms around the person's neck snuggling into their body.

Drake's Kitten (completed) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora