3 ⚜️ North Carolina

Start from the beginning

After she slipped into her favorite dress and put a little makeup on, she went out to the living area to meet Jake.

When Lilly walked in, Jake was already waiting on her. They both stared at one another as if really seeing each other for the first time. Lilly was drop dead gorgeous in her simple black dress and heels, with her blonde hair falling around her shoulders. She was the epitome of natural beauty. Jake looked amazing in a fitted Armani suit that looked as if it were made just for him.

 Jake looked amazing in a fitted Armani suit that looked as if it were made just for him

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"Wow." Jake almost couldn't find a word to say. He had never seen such beauty in all his years. "Wow yourself," Lilly replied. They smiled at one another and he offered her his arm and escorted her down to the car so they could meet the crew for their dinner reservation.

Lilly couldn't help but be a little nervous since she felt that she sometimes lacked in people skills and didn't have a lot of friends. Jake seemed to pick up on this and reminded her not to worry because they were nice and would love her.

The finally arrived at a restaurant that was so pretty, it almost looked like a museum. Jake opened to door for her and escorted her inside and towards a table at the back with several people already seated around it. As they walked over to their table, Lilly couldn't help but notice people's stares. She wasn't sure what they could be staring at besides Jakes incredible good looks. By the time they arrived at their table she realized that the entire crew was staring at them as well.

"Holy wow." She looked over to see one particular female with her mouth hanging open. She was also the one speaking. "Jake, I have no idea where you found her but she is drop dead gorgeous and the two of you look absolutely amazing together!" Looking directly at Lilly she said, "Hi. Names Ginger. I am beyond pleased to meet you."

Lilly blushed a little and knew that her and the kind girl with the pretty red hair would be fast friends. Jake smiled at Ginger and then went on to introduce the rest of the crew:



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