♡♥A new cover for Lightbrush♥♡

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Ello every-

Mono 4: OREO IS A WIT- ♥I hit him with a anvil♥

He really isnt funny...

Anyway, Im here to show a new book cover, wait, why do I create new books every fucking day..

Anyaay heres the cover

Anyaay heres the cover

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Oh where to begin.. This was suppost to be some fanart but, I turned into a book cover, and I got the "Kitty Bulb" or Kitty Lightbulb idea from a character named "Blair" In Soul Eater, shes my favorite character in the manga series, she is a cat, her hair is purple, she can be cute sometimes, I like her. Im probably gonna do this, and just to let you know there are gonna be some stuff that were copied out the Manga Series.

Both of them are humans in this, And Lightbulb is half Cat in this book, she can become a human and a fluffy yellow and white cat, but when she turns back from being a cat, lets just say she shows alot of skin.. Ima copy this description of the book to the actual book cuz why not, im lazy, and its a lowkey good description.

B-Blaa bla bla bla A Very High Definitiond Specific, Mature, Delicate Explinaton

Oh and also ill translate the japanese, The japanese words near Lightbulb means "Purring" and the other Japanese saying says uhmm let me do this in another way


And just side info, Light in Japanese is Hikari and Brush is Migakimasu so..
Hikari Migakimasu, Sounds like a japanese name.. And Cat is Neko, Purring is Gorogoro.

Warning: Japanese Side Showing

So kawaii Senpai! Nekos are so Kawaii~!! Nya~!

.. Okie bai

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