♡♥Art and a story♥♡

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Ello everyone! So... I'm going to post the art at the end of the page... And stuff... So this story is basically, "Oreo's Origin" now if you were a mean brat, you would just skip the story, if you skip the story you wouldn't know the picture..

And by the way, the Oreo in this story is much more different than me, so.. Whatever, here's the story:

♥Lightbulb, Paintbrush and fan were all walking to the park♥

Lightbulb: La la la la la~! :O guys can we go there, please?!?

Fan: In a dark forest? Count me out..

Paintbrush: Fan first of all, don't be dramatic, it's only 11:00 Am! Second of all, Lightbulb, really? In there?!

Lightbulb: Aww come on Painty K un! Maybe it will be a new adventure :D

Paintbrush: ...Fine but we go in there for only 5 minutes..

Fan: But I don't want to go in there...

Paintbrush: Fine just wait here, Lightbulb and I will explore..

Lightbulb: Yaaaaayyy~!

♥Paintbrush and Lightbulb all go in the forest slowly♥

Lightbulb: Wow!  This forest looks so magical!

Paintbrush: It,  is kinda pretty..  I'm gonna look over there...

Lightbulb: Okay!

Paintbrush walks a few steps in the opposite direction of where lightbulb is going♥

Paintbrush: Why does this look so nice?  Maybe it's because of the sunlight?  Or those animals.. I don't know..

♥As Paintbrush was walking,  something stop him♥

Paintbrush: .... What..  Is..  THAT?!

Paintbrush sees a sleeping injured girl with white glass♥

Paintbrush: LIGHTBULB!!

Lightbulb: What is it Painty Kun?! OMGA!

Paintbrush: She looks hurt..

Lightbulb: I feel bad now.. Is it normal to feel bad for this girl?

Paintbrush: Uhh no..

Lightbulb: Well we can't leave her here!  She is hurt and it looks like she's gonna die in minutes!

Paintbrush: But what kind of parents would kick there own kid out here?

Lightbulb: Some mean ones..

Paintbrush: ... ♥Sigh♥ Lightbulb your right,  we shouldn't leave her like this.. 

Lightbulb: So what we do?!

Paintbrush: How about take her to OJ hotel? 

Lightbulb: Okay..  But how will fan react?

Paintbrush: I don't know..  Let's stop talking and just go to the hotel..

As Paintbrush picks the injured girl up and carries her in his arms,  Lightbulb got some bandages out of her bag and put them on the girl, after a minute,  they got out the forest♥

Fan: Oh hey guys!  And who is that?!?

Lightbulb: We don't know..  Painty kun said that we need to go to OJ hotel

Fan: I hope she's okay..

They all go to the hotel

Lightbulb: ♥She knocks♥ OJ!

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