Chapter Five: "Oh Dear God" Pt. Two

Start from the beginning

"I don't get why they haven't realised" she uttered as she walked up next to her husband, who was leaning on the bench of the counter tops sipping coffee.
"Just leave them be" He half chuckled.
"He's like you, scared to say anything. Just like you were when we were friends, remember" she nudged her husband and then walked into the living room with her coffee. Mr Sanderson smiled at the thought of his younger self, and maybe his wife was right. But he wasn't going to budge his son, especially after Margot.


I felt my body regaining consciousness, the weigh over my eyelids finally wavering. I let out an exhausted sigh as I rolled over and opened my eyes. Seeing Josh Sanderson asleep, he was lying on his back with his head tilted in my direction.
"Creeper" he mumbled, a drowsy smile forming as he opened his eyes.
I let out a yawn and rolled onto my back as I stretched out my arms, deliberately pushing him with your left arm. We both laughed after my noisy awakening, I looked over at him as he smiled up at the roof. His smile somewhat disappearing as he looked up at the mural all of his friends, myself, family, and Margot helped with. I could tell he was still hurting, how could he not. I suddenly had an idea, forcing myself up I jabbed him in the belly.

"Your it" was all I said then jumped off the bed and ran for the door, he jumped up and followed.
I know it may sound childish, but it was one of the many things we did as kids that just stuck, and in a way it keeps us from not being too serious, making sure we remember that fun is always better than something saddening.

I ran out the door and down the stairs, laughing as Josh tried to catch up. I stopped at the bottom of the stair case.
"Catch me if you can" I stuck my tongue out at him and then ran towards the entertainment room, I jumped over a couch and then ran into the family room. All of a sudden I was grabbed from behind, I let a small scream and then was turned around.
"Gotcha" Josh smiles down at me. For a moment I had a thought but it disappeared as quick as it came.
"I hate you" I joked, he let out an amused sigh before letting me go.
"No you don't, you love me" he uttered, I shook my head as I squinted my eyes, tilted my head slightly and scrunched up my mouth.
"No, no I don't think I do" I let out an amused laugh.

"You're awake" my smile disappeared as I looked to the right where Mr and Mrs Sanderson has walked in. Mrs Sanderson was smirking, as if she knew something I didn't, it was an unnerving feeling.
"Mom, Dad. How was your night?" Josh casually asked, they shrugged.
"Good. I'm going to start making breakfast. But you got to clean up your mess before" Mrs Sanderson tilted her head in the direction of the kitchen, to this I gave them a smile and walked in the direction of the kitchen, just as Josh did.

"Why was that weirdly awkward" he asked as he ducked his way into the kitchen. I frowned my brows as I started putting rubbish from last night into the bin.
"Yeah, I got that same vibe" I turned to him for a minute. We stood their for a moment thinking about why they would be acting so weird, and a thought popped into my head, "you don't think they think we...ahh..." I stopped myself, and from the looks of it, Josh had the same thought.
"I'll be back" he said in a sigh, but I grabbed his arm.
"No, no, no, no, no, no. Definitely no." I said as I pointed towards the garbage, "believe me, you don't want to have that conversation..." I trailed off as he tied the garbage bag, then lifted his head up frowning his brows.
"Wait, how do you know?" He questioned. I began doing the dishes, I hesitated but sighed in defeat.
"Because, my mother and I had that conversation...about me and you...she thought we were-" he raised his eye brows.
"Okay, enough of that sentence" he almost yelled, I nodded and then continued the dishes. It was quiet for a while until we finished, Josh and I were just unloading the other dishes from the dishwasher when his mother came in. I turned around and gave her an awkward smile as she smirked at me.
"I got to go to the bathroom. Be right back" I then hurried out of the kitchen, and ran up the stairs.


Josh watched as Ryley exited the kitchen in a rush and let out a sigh as he leaned up against the counter, then crossed his arms.
"What are you doing?" He questioned his mother, she turned to him and shrugged.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She gave him a smile before she went over to the pantry and began pulling out stuff for breakfast.
"Mom, look. If you think we did anything-" she cut him off.
"What do you mean?" She questioned as she pulled the flour and sugar out and placed it on the counter top.
"Sex, mom, if you think that. You're wrong. Nothings happening" he stated, half making her disappointed, but she didn't show it.
"Okay, jeez. I was just curious what's going on" she smiled over at him and then looked down at her ingredients, "the chocolate is in the freezer. I'll be back" she said and left the kitchen. Josh let out a sigh and lifted his head to see Ryley standing at the door she previously left from.

"How long have you been standing their?" He questioned.
"You had to have the conversation, this is sooooo weird" I said as I cupped my face.
"Believe me, it's not the first time that's happened. I doubt it will be the last" He half joked as I starred blankly at him.
"God help me" I uttered as I hung me head, then heard a chuckle from Josh. I lifted my head up and sighed.

"Got it" Mrs Sanderson entered the kitchen with a packet of frozen chocolate chips. She went silent for a moment before walking over to her ingredients.
"Wanna help make them Rye?" She asked, i watched her as she acted like normal. I frowned before nodding.
"Sure, would love to" I said as I made my way over.


I ended up outside with Josh on the porch steps eating breakfast, it was still over cast, with slight hints of sun light here and there. I watched as Peter's car drove up to the front of Lara-Jeans house, he hopped out and walked up to the front door.
"Jackass" Josh mumbled before stuffing another pancake into his mouth.
"You're just saying that because you're confused about Lara and that letter" Ryley states as Lara looks over confused, I waved and she did the same. A look crossing her face before she turned her attention towards Peter.
"What makes you think that?" Josh questioned as he took another piece of pancake and bit onto it.
"You were mumbling in your sleep last night. I got up to get a glass of water and came back to you talking in your sleep" Ryley took a sip of her coffee.
"I talk in my sleep?" He questioned sounding confused. I gave him a confident nod before taking another piece of pancake.
"I'm surprised Margot didn't say anything about it" I didn't realise what I said until I said, I sat there still for a moment before looking over to Josh.
"Wait, she told you? What else did she say about us?" He sounded curious. I took a sip of my coffee thinking of all the conversation I had to endure with Margot and Lara as they gossiped. Too much information was what came to mind.
"Stuff. I have mentally recovered from her and Lara's gossip sessions when you guys started dating. Ahh simpler times, the worse thing I could expect Margot to say was that you guys made out a lot under the bleachers" I rose my hand to my mouth widened my eyes.

'You weren't supposed to say that'  I mentally told myself.
I looked over to Josh who has his eye brows raised.
"That explains why you didn't sit under there anymore" he uttered before letting out an amused sigh, "So what else do you know?" He turned to me with a smile on his face.
"No, don't make me say. Please don't" I said.
"Well we did vow that if we asked about something specific either of us would have to answer with full honesty, or are we changing that?" He sounded like he was enjoying seeing me suffer from the awkwardly cringe that was occurring.
"Josh, come on" I practically begged him to stop. He held up his hands and nodded.
"Okay, okay. You don't have to say. But from your reaction I can gather she told you a lot." He went for his coffee. He wasn't wrong, and most of the time I didn't want to know it. But I caved and just listened.
I looked down at the steps and raised my eye brows.
"You're not wrong" I uttered before taking a sip of my coffee.
"Huh?" Josh sarcastically questioned. I hummed and continued to chug my coffee slowly as I maintained my gaze at him. He just shook his head and continued to eat.

Heyo peeps, another chapter and late again lol. I am bad at this. But I am going to try and work on it...probably not because I am lazy and procrastinate.
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Anyways. Taking a break for a week or two because of work stuff. See you guys with a much better written few chapters in a few weeks

As always...

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