Chapter Four: "Oh Dear God" Pt. One

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Okay, so I forgot a major thing in this fanfic, and misspelt my OC's
Name wrong. It's Ryley, why you may ask? Because he nickname is Ryle, put it into google translate and hear both her full name and the nickname so it makes sense for you guys. But that was all.

I, in that split second thought of a way to hit two birds with one stone, and in an instant of misguided impulse I grabbed Josh by his sleeve and pulled him towards me. Our lips meeting in one swift move.


I pulled away from a somewhat disoriented Josh Sanderson, looking over at Eddie as he stood wide eyed. I looked to Josh and swallowed loudly, before patting him on the shoulder and sped past him and Eddie.

I made a hurried pace towards the doors of the library, pushing through them I continued down the hallway. I hoped that neither Josh or Eddie would be following behind, and I was right. For the rest of the day I didn't see Josh or Eddie.


I had hurried home with Lara, who had been picked up by Peter Kavinsky. To be honest I was completely distracted the whole trip, and I'm pretty sure Peter tried to talking to me.

Once we got to Lara-Jeans place, I walked to my house; not forgetting to say thank you and goodbye. I came into the house to find my mom was home early, so I decided to order pizza and watch a movie.
My mom noticed I was being particularly strange all afternoon, and she even asked three times...three times...if I was okay. That's alarming concerning, that I had to be asked by my mother, the person I tell almost everything that bothered me, if I was okay. But to be honest I didn't want to talk about it, especially if it meant talking about that letter. Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl.

We decided to watch Back To The Future, it was our favourite and no matter how many times we watched it, we were always happy to watch it again. It's a movie that never gets old, despite its obvious ageing since it's first release.

"Honey?" I heard my mother say in confusion. I snapped out of my trance, and looked over to her.
"Yeah?" I sounded out of it.
"You just looked a little out of it...thought something was wrong" she stated with a sigh of relief as she sunk back into her seat. I looked back at the tv half raising my eye brows as I thought about her statement. She wasn't wrong, something was wrong, I just didn't want to talk about it. I was fine with this, even if it was just a movie, it provided some much needed mental stimulus.


Later that afternoon I decided to go for a walk and clear my thoughts. It was peaceful outside, a little overcast but not too cloudy. I guess you could say the weather suited my mood, sort of like a pathetic fallacy, but for my life.
Actually now that I think of it, my life is probably the biggest version of a pathetic fallacy. Maybe it's because on good sunny days I am always cheerful and smiley, and on stormy days I am extremely irritated. But sometimes it's just polar opposites. Which is confusing but, I guess that's life.

I turned a corner then my phone buzzed, I pulled it out in front of me to see a text. It was from Josh. I stopped in my tracks and sighed to myself, then the image of the library popped into my head. I unlocked my phone and put it on aeroplane mode, and locked it once more.
I felt completely embarrassed at my stupidity, and regretted doing it. Because somehow I knew that it would be awkward, Josh and I now. That's why I am avoiding him. Hopefully I can keep it up for a little longer, I just can't face him and have to explain why I did what I did.

Of All The People, It Had To Be You - Josh Sanderson fanficWhere stories live. Discover now