Chapter Three: The Letters

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It was  a normal day, I got up, got dressed and went down stairs to have breakfast. I was sitting on the couch eating breakfast still trying to get over the last two days of my cold. I had gotten the flu after the first day of the new school year, which really sucked. But I got to stay home and eat noodles, so I was extremely happy.
I got a call from Lara-Jean around five in the afternoon, she sounded frantic, like something had happened. It was a voice mail, I hadn't answered the phone because I was asleep. Once I had listened through fully, I got up off the couch and headed to her house in search of her.

I came to the from door, about to knock when the door opened reveling Lara's little sister, Kitty.
"Oh, Riley, hey" she gave me a big smile. I laughed a little before coughing a little.
"Hey Kit" I said sounding a little nasally, Kitty frowned her brows looking slightly worried, "I was sick for a bit. Better now though" I added. Kitty held her sleeve up to her face.
"Ahhh okay, I don't wanna get sick. Lara's in her room" Kitty took a few steps back as she let me in and then disappeared outside. I made my way into the large house, seeing Mr Covey sitting in the kitchen eating ice cream and what smelled like hot chocolate.
"Hey Mr Covey" I said making him look over, he smiled and stood up, then made his way over.
"Hey Riley, hows your mother?" He asked as he gave me a hug. You see, Lara and I weren't just best friends, we were second generation best friends. Our parents were best friends and we basically were brought up from birth, that's why we moved back. Because we knew that we would have friends here, a family if you will.

"She's good, working a lot and stuff" I said once  we broke away from each other, "I'm just here to see Lara" I added, and he nodded.
"Well she's upstairs, just beware" he cautioned and I let out a small laugh.
"I'll  do that" I said as I walked up the stairs. I made my way up and walked to her bedroom door, knocking twice.
"What?" Lara opened the door with a slight frustrated expression, before letting out a sigh and hugging me, "thank god your here" I nibbles and pulled away, then dragged me into her room.

"What was the panicked phone call about? I thought you were dying" I said as I sat down on the bed.
"I wish I was" I half mumbled as she paced. I watched as she seemed a little on edge, maybe a lot.
"What's wrong?" I question and Lara looks over at me with anxiety across her face.
"Look" I said as she walked over to her closet. I got up and made my way over, stepping over piles of clothes and other things, before coming to a stop next to Lara. All I saw was a dark walk-in closet, then Lara switched the light on.
"And?" I said, then she pointed to the top shelf, where she put her box of secret love letter. Than I noticed it wasn't there, my eyes widened.
"Oh god" I gazed over at Lara and then walked back as I held my hands up to my head, "oh god" I said half panicking myself. Lara gave me a small smile.
"Where are they?" I questioned.
"To the people they were addressed to" she sat down on her desk chair.
"Why'd you mail them? Mine was in there as well" I stated. Lara made up her love letters, and once, just once, I dared to do the same since she pestered me about it, and I did. One letter, with all hers. Now you think it's not that big of a deal, well it is. A monumental one.
"They disappeared and then yesterday some people came my way with their letters....their out" she stated, Riley was so confused.
"Oh my god, I'm gonna have to move schools, change my name. This is not okay" I stood at those last words.
"It's not that big of a deal, I mean I'm sure Eddie can't read anyway" yes, you heard correctly, Eddie Jacobs. Resident dickhead of my life, and as it seems now will be an even bigger dickhead now that he has that letter.
"No, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening. I was just getting him to stop annoying me, now he's gonna think I'm in love with him" I held my hand to my forehead and sighed before falling back onto Lara's bed and clasped my face with my hands.
"This is the worst thing ever" I then realised that Lara had plenty more than I did and sat up.
"Oh my god, Lara, your letters." Was all I said, and she nodded. Before walking over and lying down next to me.
"Yep, we're both very screwed..." she went silent for a moment, "I kissed Peter Kavinsky to avoid talking to Josh about his letter" I let out an 'ooo' in response to this.
"That's like next level avoidance right there" I sort of laughed, "I'm sorry I shouldn't be laughing" I let out another laugh and then Lara started as well.

Of All The People, It Had To Be You - Josh Sanderson fanficWhere stories live. Discover now