Where/how he loves to kiss you

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Aleks/Immortal: He leaves gentle kisses along your collarbones when you're not paying attention.

Dan: He pecks you on the tip of your nose and on your forehead, carefully and lovingly.

Dex: He passionately kisses you on the lips, with his hands around your waist.

Eddie/Sly: He steals kisses on the cheeks, then pinches them like a grandma, giggling his head off.

James/Nova: He kisses you anywhere and everywhere, showering you with his love.

Jordan/Kootra: He wraps his arms around you from behind, and kisses your shoulderblades.

Nick/Sp00n: He sloppily kisses your neck, making small marks to annoy you.

Seamus/SSoH: He always give you quick pecks on the lips to surprise you.

Steven/Ze: He likes taking your hand, and kissing it, because you're his princess and he wants you to know it.

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