"Z, if she doesn't accept you then she isn't your real mother, if she really loved you she would understand. Sometimes it's not that easy for people to grasp the fact of being gay. These things take time, these wounds take time to heal...ok?" He says bringing me out of the hug, just about the only person who can make me feel safe right now, just took it away. "You want me to get Jacky?" I just shake my head in response, crying at the thought that Daniel might be right, I can't lose her, I'd be destroyed.

What felt like hours was only a couple minutes, I really do love this kid...all those sleepless nights and it finally hits me, he really loves me. Then, as I come to my sudden realization and it sinks in Jack walks in seeing me broken, vulnerable, hurt, not by anybody...yet. I'm the real monster, no one else, it's me. I kept blaming myself when in reality I did this, to myself. "Jacky?" I say hoping I'm right, "Yeah... babe I'm here...it's gonna be ok, Dani told me we'll get though this." How?" He says knowing I know the answer to the question he posed. "Together, like we do with everything," I say, the words making me feel a little better about the situation and more at ease.

"Baby, you want me to hold you?" He says looking in my eyes making me wanna cry right then and there. "Yes please..." I break into a million pieces all at once. "Baby how are we gonna tell my mom, I'm really scared." I say with a hint of worry in my voice as I sense all the memories and situation that could happen arise in my mind. Soon overwhelming me and causing me to go to back to square one. "Rosy, I'll be right there with you, don't worry. It's gonna be fine, if things don't go the way you want you'll always have me." He says rubbing my arm in warmth and reassurance which consumes my being, wrapping me in its grasp.


"Thanks babe," he says looking up at him as I return a glance that only makes him smile, as we get up from the floor and each other's protective arms of which we feel asleep in. I take a deep breath and hope for the best, "Babe? I think I'm ready...it's now or never!" He says with fake pep in my voice, ultimately trying to hide the immense amount of fear inside his being. "You want me to let the boys know? Call a band meeting?" Daniel suggests as I see Zach shake his head in response to the prompt. "Should we get Chris in here? I could have Corbyn call her?" "Yeah do that, I've gotta talk with her anyways..." We walk to Living Room greeted by the boys and Christina.

"So...today's the day," Zach says, shaking a bit, as rub his arm. I look at Christina as she's really excited. "Not that day C!" I mouth in her direction. The expression plastered is one of disappointment, yet happiness. "I'm gonna tell my mom...I'm gay," as he lets the words leave his mouth his voice breaks and I go to hug him. Leaning his head on the crook of my neck, as the boys and Christina join. I let the boys hug him, and comfort him as I drag Christina out of the room. Corbyn gives me a dirty look as I put a finger over his mouth to tell him to keep it a secret.

"You in?" Is all I had to say, immediately getting a response back of pure giddiness. "Yes! Is that even a question?" She says not being able to contain her excitement. I kiss her on the cheek, "Thanks love." I say pulling away, seeing Corbyn in the doorway. Not being amused, yet having a look of playfulness of 'are you serious, why ya gotta do dat' look on his face. Crooked brow in all, "Sorry I stole your girl bean, she's just so cute, and did I mention the perfect ring shopper to go with?" "Oh? When's this going down? And can I come?" He says letting his gay show I bit. "Around 1 tomorrow, and 2? Yes of course! Also...leave being gay to us ok? Jk love ya, and it might be 20 times easier if ya keep it between us..." I say kissing his cheek, making him blush a bit and become embarrassed that it was by another guy. Which I guess he wasn't used to, since Zach. "I love you babes, especially...you." I say putting my finger on Corbyn's chest flirting a bit. "See ya guy's" leaving the room as I go up to Zach who's calmed down a bit.

in the dark ─ ❝ jachary x zorbyn ! ❞Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ