Testing Day

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Dontas Square was packed full with people. A stage sat in the centre of blooming gardens. Elaborate decorations decked the streets, and Edie Webber was terrified. For today she would discover if she was a Watcher. Her entire life had been working up to this day. If she didn't have the sight her life as she knew it would be over. After all, she was the daughter of two of the most powerful Watchers. Edie's father Powell gripped his wives hand tight. Vivian was revered in Dontas as one of the first female Watchers to become head of the council. Vivian and Powell Webber were feared and loved. Edie, however, did not know how she fit into her families legacy.

The legacy of the Watchers and the Watched had come about over 500 years ago when two humans were born with a strange sight. Morales Tora began reading minds before she could read books. At the age of 10, she met someone like her, Jordan Webber. Fast forward to the year 2620 and so many Watchers had been discovered that they ruled the world with an iron fist, a metaphysical one of course. The Watchers have the ability to see anywhere they would like to see at any time, and can read the minds of the Watched. The Watched can only hide their thoughts with the help of a Watcher. Countless rebel groups have attempted to bring equality between the two groups but to no avail. Their minds were too open.

Now it was the day that every eighteen year old would be tested, they would discover if they were a Watcher. The nervous energy bounced through the square, countless teenagers clung to their friends and families. Terrified that they would be deemed the Watched and be forced to Dolias for a life of work. If Edie was deemed a part of the Watched, she would be separated from her family for the rest of her life, and she would be the first Webber child to not become a Watcher. The Watchers and the Watched were allowed to see each other, but she knew her family would not visit if she was not a Watcher. To say the least, it would not be good for her reputation, or her families perfect record. Edie had never been the perfect child her parents had wished for, Vivian had always thought Edie was far too sympathetic to the Watched.

So it was in this moment that Vivian's icy cool demeanor had broken. Instead, she was watching the stage like a hawk, waiting for Pimento Ridel to take the stage. As the crowd pulsed Edie spotted her best friend, Violet Siamedes as she pulled Edie into the corner she lamented. "Edie, I can't take the pressure. My mom won't stop saying shit like oh 'we'll still love you even if you don't have the sight,' and then contradicting it with 'you're not an idiot, you'll get through,' help me!" Violets eyes were pleading. "Violet take a deep breath, I'm just as scared. We all are." This alone seemed to quiet Violet and bring the two into some sort of silent world. The two friends waited with the crowd, both just as unaware of how much their lives were about to change.

Pimento Ridel had been the Master of Ceremonies since his father passed away 5 years ago. But he had taken to the position easily, too easily. So when he swept onto the stage, Edie's eyes widened. This was the man she had met at dinner parties, the man she had watched tear apart families and bring glory to others. So it was odd now for Edie as she saw him suddenly standing there like a horseman of the apocalypse. Ready to carry some to Salvation, and drag others down to Hell. Edie had never been religious, but the comparison was not lost on her. After all, it was Violet who had made the same comparison once before. When Violet's brother was dragged screaming off this very same stage when he had been deemed a Thoughtless. Edie could not recall ever seeing a Thoughtless person in the city. It was a mere myth to her. The Watchers didn't like the Thoughtless for one reason. They could not control them, they were unreadable. Edie and Violet both seemed to be remembering the moment Dominic Siamedes was dragged away. Edie didn't want to imagine where Dominic was now, Violet was terrified that she'd meet the same fate.

Pimento tapped the microphone, causing the crowd to go silent as screens lit up around him. Ready to document the ceremony for the world to see. Cameras swirled to film the towering yet handsome man dressed head to toe in an emerald green suit. His voice boomed, "It is now that we will decide who is the future of our world, and who will help support those in charge. The Watchers are some of the most powerful humans on this planet, the Watched help support the Watchers. Without their help, we would not have the means to make change and run this World." The council may have written these speeches to be more inclusive over the years, but they cannot hide how they truly feel about the Watched. Edie found her thoughts wandering to the topic. "It is now that we will begin testing the young, to find where they belong." Two stagehands scurried on stage each holding a pillar with the crest of each group, placing them on either side of Pimento.

The crest of the Watchers is intricate, lines snaking up a flaming circle. The Watched are represented by a simple double band, three small lines swirl at the base. Slowly, like some sort of morbid graduation ceremony, names are called. Some are Watchers, a larger amount fall into the Watched category. Edie's eyes, however, snap to the stage as Pimento Ridel calls a familiar name. Violet Siamedes. Violets steps are timid, nerves pulsing with every step. It is as Edie and Violet make eye contact that Edie sees just how scared she really is. A Watched man stands centre stage and turns to Violet. The strain in her face is evident as she tries to recall his thoughts. Tears well at Violets eyes as she makes one more attempt. But before she can even try, Pimento steps to the side whispering to a woman in white. In a domino effect, council guards step forward their target clear. Deja Vu washes quickly over Edie. Violets eyes search the crowd for Edie but all Edie can see is Dominic's eyes. All Edie can think is how they had the same fear in their eyes. Guards grip Violets arms as she lets out a scream so disturbing, the crowd goes silent for a moment. Just before erupting into chaotic screams. It was the same scene as years before when Dominic had been ripped off the stage and into a council vehicle. Violets thrashed, causing the guards to restrict her more. One holding her so tight Edie knew Violet would wake with bruises. That is if she woke up. No one knew what happened to the thoughtless. The thought alone shook Edie, she couldn't watch her friend as she was dragged by her hair off the stage, the fight dissipating out of her eyes. Edie felt a solid hand on her shoulder. Powell hugged her daughter as she cried. Vivian just looked on, a sick smile twitching at the edge of her lips. But of course, no one saw this. They were too focused on the small eighteen-year-old girl being handcuffed and thrown into the back of a council car. A ghost of Dominic.

After every child's name has been called, Edie is ushered on stage. The last to be tested. Her legs should shake as she climbs the steps. But years of training taught her never to show her fear. As she was face to face with Pimento he looked shocked. "Why Edie, aren't you just the mirror image of your mother on her testing day." Edie tensed, her smile widening. Don't show them how you feel. The Watched man turned to Edie. As she looked into his mind it felt almost like relearning to ride a bike. Simple, Edie thought as she dug deep into the man's mind. Memories of his child's first birthday, the time he cheated on a third-grade test, his testing day. Bingo. "The sentence is: 'Carnations and Daisies build a pretty bouquet.'" As Edie looked out at the crowd it erupted out in applause. Any memories of Violet washed from their minds. The Watched council was good at that, hiding their crimes. Vivian and Powell looked proudly up at their smiling, powerful daughter. No one could tell just how angry Edie was. Just how much the council was going to pay.

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