Chapter 15

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Where am I?

Uni found himself in a sort of cave standing in front of a broken portal, holding a block of obsidian.

What on earth am I— 

His thoughts countered his movements as he placed the block down by the portal.

Why can't I move on my own? He thought, perplexed and slightly horrified at the same time. The sounds of voices could be heard and he, or so he thought it was himself, turned towards the sounds. There he saw four figures clad in iron armor: Nick, Dawn, Ashlie... and himself.

Is that me? What is going on?! His mind raced as he felt himself move towards them and began speaking. Except it wasn't him speaking.

"Oh, hi there!"

That voice

"Oh my god." He, or rather the Uni standing right in front of him, said.

"Wow, there's a lot of you guys." The voice coming from himself said.

How am I not able to speak on my own yet think at the same?

"Uni that looks like you." Ashlie said.

"Uh, hello?" Nick greeted questioningly.

"Hello?" The Uni asked awkwardly.

"Hey good-looking fellow, what are you doing here in a cave like this? It's dangerous you know." Said the voice coming from himself.

I know that voice. What am I doing in Duni's head?

"Uh, it is. And what are you doing in our mine?" The Uni asked.

I must be dreaming of the first time we met with Duni. Uni realized. This is so weird, it's like I'm viewing this through his eyes while being able to have my own thoughts.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize this was your mine," He, or rather Duni, continued. "Allow me to uh, what's the word... ah, introduce myself!"

"My name is Duni."

Suddenly everything went black and Uni found himself in a void of nothingness.

What the?

He then felt two things: Pain... and solace.

-     -     -     -     -

Uni woke up with a start, rising from his bed and clenching his chest. He took some time to calm himself down and process his thoughts.

"Bloody hell..." He mumbled to himself, rubbing his head. The pug looked around and found himself still in his bed in his room, everything appearing to be the same as it always was.

What kind of dream was that? Uni wondered. From what he could recall, he was dreaming of the first time he and other others met Duni, but it was through his eyes and—

The realization came like a jolt.

"That's where he is!" He exclaimed aloud, then covered his mouth with his paws immediately to silence himself. I hope I didn't wake anyone... Footsteps could be heard and Uni turned his head slightly to see Dashlie coming up the stairs of his room.

"Dashlie?" He said, puzzled.

"Well would you look at that, the sleeping beauty is up." The albino woman replied snidely.

"I hope I didn't wake you guys up." The pug commented genuinely.

"Wake us up? It's almost noon you lazy sack of fur. I was walking by and heard a sound upstairs, so I came to check up on you." Dashlie said, flicking some hair off to the side in an irritated manner.

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