Chapter 13

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Don made his way to the front of the house, feeling a headache coming on. God I need some fresh air. This was all a bit much telling someone else. Rubbing his temples with one hand, the jester turned the knob of the door and stepped outside. Taking a breath, Don looked around. Ahead he saw Uni sitting down by himself on the grass of the hill that descended from their house. Curious, he walked over to the pug's side to find him rather sullen.

"What's wrong Uni?" He asked. The lighter-furred pug's head whipped towards Don's direction. Anger sparked in his eyes and he raised his arms up.

"What's wrong? Our whole bloody existence. That's what!" Uni exclaimed.

"What got your panties in a twist?" Don retorted.

"You of all people should know." The pug replied bitterly. The jester scowled and crossed his arms.

"Wow, I appreciate it man," Don commented snarkily. "I'll just be on my way then." He turned and proceeded to walk off until Uni spoke again, rather quietly.

"I heard what you and Duni were talking about." This caused Don to whip around and point an accusing finger.

"So it was you that Duni saw earlier!" Don exclaimed.

"Shut up, that's not the point!" Uni lashed back. The two fell to an awkward silence. The pug sat down again. Then Don came over and sat down by Uni.

"Were you planning to tell me?" Uni asked.

"Of course. It's something you two should know about." Don replied. Uni paused for a moment.

"Why did you tell Duni first?" He then asked. This caused Don to pause as well before giving his answer.

"I felt like he deserved to know."

"Good." Uni replied.

"You're not mad?" Don asked glancing at the pug, not feeling entirely convinced.

"No. I'm only mad at myself more than anything for listening in. It's... a lot to take in." Uni replied grimly, then gave a sigh.

"You're not the only one." The jester scoffed.

"I'm taking he didn't take it too well?" Uni inquired.

"He seemed fine... at first. Now that you mentioned it, I'm concerned what he's planning now." Don commented, feeling awkward sharing his thoughts.

"Why would he be planning something?" Uni asked. Don turned his head and stared directly at Uni.

"You and me both know he's always planning something." He replied curtly. Uni looked away and rubbed the back of his head.

"You're right." He admitted, then suddenly felt a wave of dread. Uni abruptly stood up and faced the house.

"I need to go find him... again." The pug announced more to himself than Don. Uni then headed back inside leaving the jester to himself.

-     -     -     -     -

Back inside, he headed over to the living room area to see Dashlie immersed in a book and Dres looking rather bored with his book. Noticing Uni's entrance, the man looked up at him.

"Have any of you guys seen Duni again?" Uni asked. Dres scowled a bit and then rolled his eyes.

"Again? Geez you two are hard to keep track of," he scoffed. "Anyways, last I saw Duni was a while back when he was wandering around the village towards the barn looking like a lost puppy."

"Sad lost puppy." Dashlie commented airily, waving a hand, clearly half-paying attention as she was still immersed with her book. Dres gave a grunt of amusement while Uni gave an exasperated sigh.

"Thank you guys." He replied hurriedly, then headed off once again without another word. Dres watched to pug leave and shrugged off the situation. He then went back reading his book he clearly wasn't interested in.

Meanwhile Uni headed towards the barn with a growing sense of unease in him. What on earth could he be planning? He thought worriedly. Thinking about the barn, and how Sammy and Wilford in there only made him even more anxious.

Entering the barn, Uni found the cow and pig safe and sound. He also saw no sign of Duni around. Noticing the pug's arrival, Sammy walked over to him with something in her mouth that Uni hadn't noticed first glance.

"What do you have there girl?" He asked, kneeling down as he grabbed the said thing: a rolled up piece of paper. He stood up and untied it, unfurling the paper. Uni reads over the letter. His eyes widened in horror.

"Oh my god..." He said aloud in a hushed tone, in utter disbelief. The pug then dashed off out of the barn to search for the others. The letter trailed behind him and floated to the ground.  

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