Ch-12 Lost in you.

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Chapter 12

Lost in you

♡Scarlett's P.O.V

It has been a week since the party. I have not seen much of Tyler or Jason lately but I am being attended to by Andrew. I say attended to because ever since Andrew came here, he has been on his toes to do things for me. I am technically not allowed to go out alone, I cannot attend parties anymore and I certainly cannot step outside without feeling like a damsel in distress with a handsome bodyguard. Not that I blame him. I would have done the same thing if I were in his place. He has been a gentleman though. He gets me movies to watch, he gets the most amazing burgers that I have ever had and when I ask about the place he buys them from, he just smirks and says "poppet, it's a secret." And the best part is that he cooks well. Saying that he cooks well would be an understatement because the kind of pasta he cooks is the reason why I momentarily lose all my table manners. although since last two days I feel sick. I have no idea why but I feel cold all of a sudden and then I am okay for a while. Even my appetite has changed. I try hard to not let that show because Andrew cooks something for me with the help of the cook and if I don't eat that, he might feel a little hurt. It is not like he notices much anyway. I don't think he even noticed any change in me, nobody does and I am so used to being on my own. I feel like no one seems to care to notice changes like my appetite or mood and after 17 years of my existence, I am fine by it. The week I spent with him has been the longest time that we have been in each other's company. And this week has been the first time that I shared my bed with a guy. I couldn't let him sleep on the floor and Tyler wouldn't risk his precious sister be alone in a room where she could be abducted by a half crazed mentally unstable rapist. This was the reason why he was allowed to sleep on the same bed with a row of pillows making a barrier between us. The barrier was his idea and I agreed. I love cuddling and it would be downright awkward if we woke up in such a compromising state. Pillows are better at least I will not have to be embarrassed in the morning.


I heard my mother calling my name in a very angry tone. "Scarlett Darwin Reed, wake up at this instance and explain me this situation." For a second I thought I was dreaming but then I was shaken awake and I fluttered my eyes open. There she was with a fresh tan and a new dress that she must have bought while away on a vacation. So they are home and it took me a while for the situation to register completely in my brain. Oh my god! This is something I did not expect to face and not at all in the early hours of morning.

"What is a guy doing in your bed, Scarlett? And tell me where your brother is." She yelled which made her cheeks look pink and her lips pursed in a thin line. Her eyes dared me to speak but I opened my mouth and closed it again.

Thankfully Tyler came to my rescue and he looked shocked. "Hey guys you are...back!" he said slowly putting the pieces together and gulping when mom gave him an angry look. I didn't notice before but Andrew was out of bed and standing on the side of the room. "Tyler, please tell me why is a boy sleeping with Scarlett on her bed? Do you know him?" Tyler took another gulp and looked at me with a look that said 'help?' I shrugged my shoulders slightly and got off the bed thinking of excuses. "Uh- he is my frie-" Tyler began to say but Andrew cut him off. "Mrs. Reed, I am Andrew Mclaren and I am Tyler's friend, we are close friends." He cracked a smile which worked a little on my mother. But she did not drop the topic. "Then close friend Andrew, why were you in my daughter's bed?" she put her hands on her waist and waited for the answer.

"You see Mrs. Reed, Scarlett has been Ill for the last two days, she has hardly had much food to eat. She had fever last night and I didn't want her to sleep alone in such a state. I thought that if I had a row of pillows between us, then there would be nothing wrong. I am sorry Mrs. Reed, I had no questionable intentions."

There were two things that surprised me.

One: Andrew knew about me being sick and two: my mother seemed a little different. She nodded gave a smile to Andrew patted his shoulder and turned around to look at me. "Go freshen up and come downstairs, I think our guest needs to be welcomed properly." Tyler let out a breath he was holding in an audible sigh and I just stood there like a statue. Is she kidding? For a second she is angry and huffing and puffing and now she is calm, back to her original self and even smiling. I make myself to move at once and do as she ordered. When I was out of the shower, Andrew was patiently waiting for me. He was sitting on the edge of the bed. He already took a shower and he changed into a white t-shirt and shorts. For a second I forgot that I was wrapped in a towel and nothing else. I stood there looking at him and all that was left was drooling. He looked absolutely ravishing with his hair still dripping wet and those drops of water sliding into the neck of the tshirt. For a second I stopped myself from going any further. He is Tyler's friend and my friend too. I was sure of the former but not of the latter. A small voice inside me made me question if he really was only a friend. I could never friend-zone him. He is just so perfect, so agreeable and if my heartbeat is anything to go by, then I most definitely have more than friendly feelings for him.

"Hello! Earth to Scar?" Andrew said while snapping his fingers in front of my face.

I blink my eyes snapping back to awareness of my environment.

"see something that you like? he said smirking at me. I smile and I lightly shove him on his chest. He catches my hand and keeps it there. I could feel his racing heartbeat against my hand. His piercing blue eyes staring into mine and for a second all I could see was Andrew and his eyes. He pulled me closer to him and our lips met and my eyes fluttered close. For a second I lost my senses and I was lost in the sensations that his kiss gave me.



Did not proof read for errors so please point them out if you see any.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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