Ch 2- Enigma

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 Chapter 2


 There is no one in the class but Jason. 

 I don't know why but it makes me nervous. It's the first time I am seeing him alone without his buddies or the bitches.

 He looks at me for a second and then smiles a heartbreaking smile. I can't help but smile back. My seat is two seats away from him. He moves from his seat and comes to sit beside me. Oh my god! 


 Did he just talk to me?!?!

 "Hi!" god! I hope I don't sound like an idiot. 

 "Um, do you know about our assignment?"  Of course! He won't talk to me without a reason. 

 "Sure! We have to submit it today"

 "Oh, I thought it has to be submitted on Friday." 

 "Uh no, it's Thursday which is today"

 "Okay thanks Scarlett"

 He gives his breathtaking smile again. 

 "I could help!" is that me talking?

 "Sure but how?”  his eyes light up. 

"Here" I say holding my assignment. "Just copy it and add an idea or two of your own and you will be done. You still have 10 minutes to complete. If you are fast enough you will be able to complete a lot of it. At least you won't get detention." I smile and on cue he smiles. 

 "Thanks" I cannot help but blush. Is he thanking me? Did he just thank me or am I paranoid? Because, thanking anybody is not Jason’s personality. Whatever, I don’t wanna fret about it.

He returns back to his place. Students have now started coming to the class room and I try to push the thoughts I have to the back of my mind. I look at the wall clock above the blackboard and see that I still have 5 mins.

I drum my fingers on the desk impatiently and after sometime the bell rings.

Miss Ella comes in after two minutes.

 She is saying something important but I shut her out and start thinking about things to do after I go home.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see Jason behind me. 

 "I don't think this is your place"  I say feeling weird and suspicious at the new arrangement of seats. 

 "I know that but I couldn't take the snob besides me so I asked the girl sitting behind you to exchange places. I-I uh hope you don't mind." Jason says with confusion. 

"No I don't mind at all" I say with a smile.

He hands me the assignment back and whispers a thank you. I turn to face the teacher and feel the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

Fortunately Miss Ella doesn't seem to notice us and she keeps on talking about something that i lost a track of.

She asks us to submit our assignments and give them to her while leaving the class after the bell rings.

 Whatever happened right now was huge. Jason doesn’t just talk to anyone in the school except his group and a few more selected people. I don’t want to mess with my brain right now and I decide to push his thoughts away.

 It gets pretty much boring to attend the classes but I still am not cutting them. I desperately wait for Lunch as usual.

We have our final exams in some days and I dont know what am I supposed to study.

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