Living Room Cafe and Ice Cream

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As Neil and I entered the cafe, a sense of comfort enveloped me. 

The place had a scene that was calm and laid back. There were comfy rugs, chairs, pillows...Everything that gave it that home feeling. There was a fireplace along with the warmth due to the fire burning.

I felt a nudge and yet again it was Neil.

I looked and he just nodded his head towards his group of friends. 

As we walked over, I took in how they were all laughing and enjoying themselves. For a moment there, I wondered if I would be like that within time. 

"Hey Guys," Neil greeted them. In return, we got Hey's and Hi's. I gave them a small smile. 

We were sitting near the fireplace and it felt nice. The group was talking about a concert.

"Hey, Mila do you want to come with us to The Script's concert?" Karvina asked. 

"Omge!! I love that band and it sounds fun...I would love to come" I said smiling.

We talked more about the concert, which will be two weeks from now. Apparently Karvina's mom gets free tickets. 

"So, what’s your story? Why'd you move here?" asked one of them. I forgot his name. I'm not really good at names, or remembering anything for that matter. 

I didn't know how to answer that. I was avoiding all the questions about my move and I felt scared. 

Biting my lips and lowering my gaze...I excused myself and almost ran out of there. 

I couldn't breathe and for some reason having someone ask me questions about my move brought sad memories. 

Now here I was thinking about my mom, Nate, and my dad leaving us. I felt the tears fighting it’s way to escape. 

Distracted with my thoughts, I felt someone's presence near me. I didn't hear someone come out after me. 

I looked up to see Neil, with a look on his face. Worry? Concern? Pity?

I didn't like pity nor did I like people seeing me weak. 

Getting myself together, I looked up at Neil and gave him my best fake smile. 

"Hey," I said hoping to sound okay. But instead my voice came out in a whisper. 

"Ice cream" Neil replied with a smile on his handsome face.

"What? Huh? Ice cream?" I laughed at how stupid that reply was.

Neil smiled..."Yes Ice Cream, lets go," he said as he made his way to the car.

Without another word, I followed Neil to his car, once again.

I sat there in the car, still in a haze. I’m still shocked that he came out, looking worried. I barely knew him and yet he seemed to care. 

In the car, silence filled the air, but it wasn't uncomfortable. I felt bad for leaving the group behind, and even worse for having Neil come after me. 

"What are you thinking about?" Neil asked me, taking me out of my thoughts. 

I looked up to see him staring at me, and just shrugged my shoulders.

"Nothing much" I murmured. 

Not buying my lie; but not pushing further, Neil gave me a nod. He reached for the radio and turned up the volume. 

Good time by Owl city Ft Carly Rae Jepsen came on. 

Good morning and goodnight, I wake up at twilight. It's going to be alright. 

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