My step-Mom and Pops

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Chapter 3

I look around, wondering which one is the family that I'm going home with. It could be any, since the airport is packed beyond words. What if I don't fit in with their family? What if my dad doesn't like me? What if I'm nothing like him? What then? Will me and... 

"Excuse me, Miliana," a soft voice murmured in a questioning tone. 

I turned around slowly thinking who that might be.  

I faced a petite woman, who had soft hazel eyes, full of curiosity, and her Brunette colored hair was braided to one side; she looked at me with so much care that I had a twig of knowing that it must be my father's wife.  

I couldn't help but feel angered and then a sudden rush of wonder washed upon me on why she was looking at me like that. 

I mean, Come on! She’s my step-mother, meaning they're usually cruel, right?  So I did what any one would do. 

"And may I know who is asking," I said, raising an eyebrow. 

"Oh sorry, Hi, I'm Claire, your father's wife," she said shyly. 

"Nah, you're just a stranger who knows my name," I murmured to myself.

"Excuse me," she said, not hearing what I just said.  

Blowing out a gush of air, I didn't see my father anywhere around, and being myself, I didn't waste time asking.  

I mean of course I knew he wouldn't be here, but a girl can dream. But lately, dreams weren't for me, reality was, and I'm living a cruel one. 

Should've guessed they would also have a nice car, as I entered the passenger side of the Range Rover.  

The car ride was quite as I was deep within my thoughts, saving the images of what surrounded me.  

At first it was the regular highway, but then it went into nothing but irregular shaded different types of green trees, transforming into buildings tall and short, millions of people closing the rest of the space, as the ride went on, it then only became a one way dirt road having big rock pebbles on each side of the road trail, leading all the way to this humongous house.  

I stared, gawking, not seeing something as beautiful as this before. Half of the house was made of ancient looking bricks, and the other half was made from shining pieces of glass put together, almost as if it was shattered and put back together as a whole again. The brick side of the house was covered with windows and the center window opened up into a balcony.  

I stared in disbelief at the beauty this house portrayed, making me jump when Claire told me that my father designed and built it.  

Shocker, at least he did something right with his life, I thought to myself. Grabbing my stuff and heading to the front wooden gated door, with Claire in front.  

As she knocked on the door, I couldn't help but think that this was it, I was going to finally meet him, the one I've tried hating all my life.

As the door was opening, my heart was racing a million miles, and my breath caught when I saw him. 

He looked so much like me, making my eyes water. He had the same jet black hair, he had the same big eyes, the color of dark green, but his didn't portray what mine did, and his was blank, expressionless.  

And that's when I fought back the tears that wanted to escape. There was no way in hell that I was going to tear up in front of him.  

He looked at me, only saying two words before he turned around and left. "Welcome Miliana."

I just got the best greeting in the world, and from my father, just great. And the worst part is, I was actually hoping for the best.

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