☠ Chapter two ☠

Start from the beginning

I lean into his touch, and for once in a while, I feel safe in his arms.

[Next day]
I wake up, expecting to feel Colby still in my bed, but he's gone. Does he do this every night, then leave super early in the morning?

I slightly frown at the Loss of his touch.

Again, I hear loud music blast from his room, signaling for me to wake up. I groan and get up to get ready for school.

I pick out a red hot chilly peppers shirt (RHCP) and white shorts before sitting down on my bed to get dressed. I put on my clothing, then grab a pair of black socks.

I quietly leave my room, not wanting to get Colby angry, then I slip on my black vans.

I walk into the kitchen, picking up a banana, then eating it. This'll do.

I then walk back upstairs, letting Colby know I'm ready. As soon as I knock on the door, the door swings open, and a punch is thrown at my stomach. As I fall to the floor, I notice guilt flash across his face, but it goes away as soon as it came.

"I-i just wanted to let you know I'm ready" I say, scrambling off the floor.

"Well, I'm not so give me a minute" and with that, he slams his bedroom door. I sigh and go back downstairs, sitting on the couch waiting for him to come. I decide to text my friend Corey, letting him know I'll be late. I met him yesturday, while I was cry- while my eyes were sweating in the bathroom.

I smile as he responds right away.

Corey: no problem dude :)

I shut off my phone quickly as I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. "Lets go" he says harshly. I just nod and follow him out the door.

[At school]
I quickly exit Colbys car, wanting to escape from him, even though we have first period together, and we sit next to each other.

I see Corey talking to some other people as I enter the school. I run over to him, not caring if I got in trouble. "Sam!" He says excitingly, hugging me. I couldn't help but smile.

"These are my friends, Jake, Elton, Brennen, and aaron. We have other friends, but I dunno where they are" he says.

I smile shyly, and greet them with a handshake. After a few seconds, Colby walks through the entrance. Corey seems to see me tense up because he asks what's wrong. I say a quick 'nothing' then I hide my face.

"Is that the dude that made you cry?" He asks in a whisper, so only I could hear. I nod. "I'll kick his a-" I stop him from walking by grabbing his forearm. "Please no, he'll only hurt you, and he's my boyfriend anyways" I mutter.

He sighs. "If you need anything, just tell me, okay?"

I nod. "Okay"

I sit with Corey, elton, Brennen, Jake, and Aaron at lunch. Though Colby does eye me from his group of friends from the table in front of ours.

I try  my best to not make eye contact with him. It'll make things worse.

I reluctionaly eat my sandwich, feeling Colbys glare on me.

"You okay?" Jake asks.

"Ye-yeah why?" I answer reluctionaly.

"You seem scared" he answers.

"I'm just scared for the test" I lie.

"What test?" Brennen chimes in.

"Oh, that isn't today? Whoops"

Brennen and Jake look at me, confused. They look at each other before brennen taps Corey's shoulder. Brennen whispers into Corey's ear, making Corey look at me. Corey gets up, and stands by my side. "Is Colby bothering you?" He whispers into my ear.

"Wha- no"

"Youre a terrible liar" he presses on.

I sigh. "Yes"

"Why, what happened between you two?"

"I don't wanna talk about this here, at school, so, maybe we could meet up after school so I could spill the tea?" I say, trying to lighten the mood, at least a little.


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