I enter my house. "Mom! I'm back! I'm going to my room and I don't want any comment about what happened ok?"

"Well, hello to you too honey." She says while typing on her laptop. I sigh and go up stairs as quickly as I can.

I plop on my bed and stare absently at the ceiling. I'm still thinking about Evan but now, my thoughts are less innocent than before.

My hand reaches in my pants and I start doing my...business. I shut my eyes tight and bite my lip. I have to be really quiet. Mom is down stairs I don't want her to hear me.

I come in my boxers.

Well...Time to take a shower.


I come back in my room and sit at my desk. I look at the baby tree Evan gave me. I wouldn't admit it in front of anyone (especially him) but I've always taken care of it. It kinda calm me down. I think I know why Evan like all his plants that much now.

"Jared! Come down stairs, lunch is ready!" Mom says from the kitchen. I'm kinda cold so I look for my jacket but I can't find it. Guess I forgot it at Evan's. I'll text him later.

I walk into the kitchen and see that mom cooked. She never cooks. I'm serious, we always eat those dishes you have to put in the microwave.

"You cooked?" I ask quite shocked. "Well yeah." I can't read her expression but I can tell something's up. "Mom, is there something you wanna talk about?" I say suspiciously.

She sighs. "Yeah..."

Ok I'm scared now...

"You know since your dad is... gone, I've always been single?"




"MOM THAT'S AMAZING! WHAT'S THEIR NAME!" I'm so excited. Since dad died I've always felt that emptiness. And the fact that mom was always sad made me feel even more bad.

"Wow calm down. Her name is Jasmine. She has a son named Michael. He's in the same school as you, maybe you see who it is?" Michael... Oh yeah! I know him. If the rumors are true, last year he shouted 'Michael makes an entrance' in the middle of the school play to save his boyfriend from a supercomputer or something. Well I don't know if it really was his boyfriend but it's what's written on their backpacks.

I nod to say that yeah, I know him.

We continue talking while eating. "Now I want to ask you something..." She seems nervous again. "Go for it." I say smiling.

"Well she divorced last year and since then, she lives in a little apartment with her son. Do you mind if she comes live here. It's just a test! You'll still have your own room! If things go wrong then we'll continue our lives like-" I cut her off.

"Mom. Calm down. It's cool if they live here. When are they supposed to come?" I take a sip of water. "Tonight." She says casually.

I choke in the water. "wHAT!?"

"I know it's early but you don't have to do anything. I've already planned everything." She seems so happy. It's rare to see her like that so I don't say anything.

I put my plate in the sink and go back in my room. I plop on my bed and grab my laptop. I go on YouTube and watch some random videos. I feel my phone buzz in my jeans' pocket. It's from Evan!

Evan🌳🌱: You forgot your jacket at my house. I'll give it back to you tomorrow at school ok?

Oh...Yeah...The jacket...

Jared: Ok 👍 thank you

I sigh and go back to my videos. My phone buzz again but this time it's Alana who's calling me. I stop the video again and pick up.

"Did you and Evan talked?"

"Hello Alana... How are you? Is life going good for you?" I say sarcastically.

"Awwww sorry it's just that this situation can't last any longer... I mean you avoiding him and him freaking out every time he has to talk to you."

"Yeah our moms secretly organized something. I was at his place yesterday."


"And I guess it's cool between us."

"What do you mean 'you guess'? Did you forgive him or not? Do you talk to each other again or not???"

"Calm down Alana. Yeah we talk to each other again but I told him that I didn't totally forgive him yet-"

"What?! Why?!"

"Alana, could you please let me finish my sentences?"

"Yeah sorry..."

"Cool. So, I told him that I didn't totally forgive him yet but then I kinda... fell asleep and this morning we talked like nothing happened. So yeah, I GUESS it's cool between us."

"Wait wait wait... you spent night at Evan's?"

Oh. My. God. I can hear her smirk.

"I don't need your comment about that thank you very much."

She laughs. "Can I have details please?"

"Alana I swear to god-"

"No no no I don't want details! I just hope you two had fun." She's now laughing like a crazy.

"Are you high or something-"

"Seriously, did you sleep in the same bed?" It seems to be the most hilarious thing to her.

"You know what, I'm gonna hang up and you'll call me when you'll be sober ok?"

"Oh my god, how did Evan do to go from family friend that you hate to boyf-"

I hang up and sigh.

Maybe because he's not my boyfriend and maybe because he's more than just a family friend. I mentally answer to Alana.

I should do some of my homework. Yeah let's do this.


I hear the doorbell ring. Mom open the door as I walk down stairs.

I see mom give a quick kiss to a smaller woman. She must be Jasmine. And the boy next to her must be Michael. He's wearing a red hoodie and has a pair of headphones around is neck.

They see me and wave at me. I wave back. "Jared, can you show Michael the guest room? Well it won't be the guest room anymore." Mom asks. I nod and gesture to Michael to follow me.

"So this is your new room." I say as we enter the room right next to mine. "It's cool. Do you have a basement?" He asks. It takes me a few seconds to process what he just said. "Oh! Uh yeah why?"

"Do you think we could like... install stuffs to make it possible to hang out in there?" He seems to have a whole idea of what he wants. "Yeah sure we can do that."

He smiles wide. "Awesome!"

We talked about random things and I had the confirmation that he was the one who shouted during the play. The other boy isn't his boyfriend though. Well not yet at least. I'm pretty sure he likes him.

I notice a pride patch on his hoodie. I might have stared a little too long. "If you were wondering, yeah I'm gay."

I smile. "Well we already have something in common." He smiles too. I think I'll like my life with my new brother.

Word count: 1796

A/n: A new chapter. Yayyyy! I hope you liked that slightly longer chapter. Also, I want you to know that I'm not gonna give up that fanfic even if the updates are slow, cause I hate when people do that. So I promise I won't stop it without finishing it.

Have a nice day/night!


~Maybe you're more than just a family friend~ (Kleinsen) Where stories live. Discover now