Good Girls Go Bad For Now

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Marie POV

Why did I agree to this job in the first place was the million jewel question minerva Yukino and I asked ourselves many times.

I was standing next to the guy we had to watch and then take out. And he wouldn't stop touching my leg. I could tell Rogue was getting pissed.

So I pulled something. I had a bottle of wine that was open.

I dumped it on him and left.

Before I left rogue looked at me wide eyed and mouthed remind me to not piss you off.

Yukino POV

I was getting pissed. So I dumped the food on the guy and left. He was flirting with me. And I didn't want to hear how perfect we would be good together.

Sting looked at me in surprise.

"Sorry but I have a guy in my life." I said and then left.

Minerva POV

I was done being the center of attention. So I started going around the office. I grabbed a guys phone and told the caller he about to get fired if he call you again. Then I grabbed a rubix cube and did that in sixty second and tossed it. Then I moved my hand up and papers went flying the guy went scrambling to collect them.

Rufus looked like he was trying to control his laughing.

Marie POV

I was at a typewriter and I was looking at the TV. 

"Hey. Get back to work."

The guy looked at my chest. This gave me the opportunity to grab his tie and pull it in the typewriter. Then I grabbed his glass he was holding and threw it continents in his face.

"Hey. I need help here."

I shook my head and walked out. 

Rogue POV

Marie walked out of the room. 

"A little help would be nice."

I shadowed traveled and peeked in the room. 

I whistled.


Yukino POV

The guy was really getting on my nerves. Comments about me and him being good together. I shoved him in the grass just as the sprinkler system went off. 

Sting was watching from the window. When I walked in the house he whistled. 

Minerva POV

"C'mon baby just a little-"

I poured ice cold water over the guys head.

"Cold. Cold. Stop please."

Rufus snickered a bit.

I glared at him. Then I was at a typewriter. Rufus was being annoying. So I threw the continents of my glass in his face. 

He blinked in surprise. But he managed to wrap his arms around my waist and kiss my cheek. I blushed. 

"This is not happening."

Sting POV

I was looking out the window at the pool. The guy was trying to kiss yukino. She pushed him in the pool and walked off.

I whistled.

I made a mental note to not do what this guy was doing.

Rufus Pov

Minerva just swiped her hands up and made two guys scramble to collect paper work. She then cleared off my desk in one swoop.

I guess the guys were really getting  to the girls.

"Your husband is going to be fired if he continues to call you while hes in work." 

She had the assistants phone. Then she threw it. She winked at me.

I smiled.

Marie POV

I was doing my best to ignore him. But rogue was really asking for.

"Do you want a bottle of wine dumped on you?" I whispered.

Yes. Make me blend. 

"Quite the players arent we?"


So I dumped it on him as well as the bucket of ice for a good measure.

Fuck me thats freezing. You owe me warmth. 



"When do we get to bust this drug raid?"

I'll answer if you sleep with me tonight.


Next week.

Ok. So I had more time to pull bad girl act.

Yukino POV

"Yukino Your dumping water on me." Sting said

"Just to make you blend in." I said. 

I poured the water over him. 

"God damn woman thats freezing."

"Its called ice water for a reason."

Sting POV

Yukino walked in my room i was staying in. She said something in spanish.

"Something wrong?"

"i hate being forced to play bad girl.  I just want to be myself."

"Hey its fine. " I got up and walked towards her. "What are doing here anyway?"

"Sleepless nights. I wanted to talk to you. See if that helps. I-"

"Sleep with me."


"Sleep with me. my scent might help."

She looked at me wide eyed. I kissed her cheek.

"I'm not pulling anything. Swear.'

She looked at me. 

"Think of it as an I love you too much to let you sleep alone."

She stared at me.

"Ok this situation just got really awkward." i motioned to the door. "go ahead and leave."

she did. 

Time lapse

I woke up. It felt like there was someone lying next to me in the bed. I turned the lamp on.

"Oh fuck me. why would you do that? Turn it off will you?"

Oh..It was Yukino. 

"hey baby. Didn't know you were in here. Sorry." I leaned over and kissed her cheek.

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