Loose secrets part two

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Marie POV

I was reading sorcerer weekly and i was horrified. 

I busted in on Sting and Yukino making out. They pulled away from each other quickly.

I stood there looking at them.

"Yukino...Sting. I'll leave you guys alone. Cause you know someone telling sorcerer weekly that I was held captive and almost died is totally not important at all." I slammed the door. 

I had tears streaming down my face.

I raced down the halls of the guild hall and head to where I lived with rogue. When I arrived I realized that I forgot my key. 

I hit the wall. 


I put my back against the wall and slide down to the ground.

How did they get a hold of the story? No one but Rogue Minerva Rufus Yukino Orga and Dobengal knew that since they were the ones to rescue me. After the abduction I dyed my hair black and blonde. I let it grow out. It was mid back length. I pierced my lip. I changed my look completely. Rogue understood that and helped me. 

Rogue had me move in with him so that way this kind of thing wouldn't happen again. He wanted to be able to hear me in case I was abducted again. 

I saw someone approach the house. I turned into a shadow. When the person came into view I saw that it was Rogue. I turned back into human. 

"What wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing." I said a little to enthusiastically.

"We need to have a talk." he said. "Your hiding something."

"Well I'm not speaking. you can force it out of me. " I snapped .

"You know that you wont win this argument." he said sternly.

"I might as well try." I said.

"Well lets start with why you forgot your house key." 

"Try me. I fucking dare you. Your not getting answers." 

"Really think that?" he asked snapping.

"Yea. I do." 

"Well if thats what you think we're about to find out."

"Try bud." I said and blasted my earbuds.

I smirked at him.

He reached out and grabbed my phone. He took it out of my hand.

"I want to know whats wrong. So your going to tell me."




He punched the wall.

"Why wont you just talk. I can tell. You always bottle everything. Then you end up venting your emotions." 

"And I honestly don't care. I don't like to talk about my feelings. Let people think that I'm not effected by emotions." I said tears forming.

"I'm your boyfriend. I want you to talk to me no matter the time."

"Oh really. Cause every time I try you say later. Always later. I try again and you say try again later. Your the one who keeps casting me aside. If you hadn't you would KNOW THAT I WAS HAVING A PANIC ATTACK YESTERDAY. YOUR THE ONE WHO TOLD ME TO TELL YOU EVERY TIME I HAVE A PANIC ATTACK. AND YOU PUT IT OFF EVERY TIME.  I'VE HAD THREE TODAY. "

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