|05| Sleeping Beauty

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Chapter - 05
Sleeping Beauty


" M-my Lo-rd " The young maid stammered as the Lord drank her blood from the wrist.

After few moments he finally let her go as he wiped his lips with back of his hand. The maid bowed to him and rushed back to do her chores as the Lord dismissed her.

Skin to skin touch meant intimacy. But the Lord didn't care unless the blood was drank from the neck. Drinking from neck meant bonding and the Lord was nowhere near that yet.
Moments passed as he stared out of the window from his study room. It was afternoon and he planned to go hunting in the Gravelton Wilds as it had been many days since he last hunted.

Just then his pet Jet the bat came back flying towards him and sat on his shoulder as it always does. The Lord nodded his head as it told him something.

Someone knocked the door as Jet flew away and the Lord sighed.

" Come in. " The Lord said still staring out of the window.

" My Lord. " His most trusted butler Carlos bowed his head respectfully.

" Lady Rosalyn is here to visit you. " He said as he waited for the Lord 's response.

He sighed as he murmured to himself.

" Send her in. " He said as Carlos nodded his head and went outside.

A beautiful Lady dressed richly came to the room with a sultry smile on her lips.

" It 's very pleasant to meet you Lady Rosalyn. " The Lord said as they both hugged eachother.

" Aw, aren't you sweet as
always." She said still hugging him.

Lady Rosalyn Whitford daughter of the elite nobleman Dawcoll Whitford was a beautiful and rich Lady from Eastborne town in Vaclya Empire.

There were rumors going on that the Lady and Lord would marry soon as many people saw them together few times. Though the Lord didn't say anything the Lady surely had some plans to marry him.

" Lord Calix are you free today?" She asked pressing herself on him as he sighed.

" Sorry Lady Rosalyn but I am going hunting today. " He said as the Lady muttered something to herself.

" We could go toghter!. It had been so -" she was interrupted by Lord as he held his hand to stop her.

He summoned his butler and he was there in a minute. He bowed his head as he waited for the Lord 's command

" Carlos prepare the horse, I am going hunting." He ordered as the Lady continued whining.

" Yes My Lord. " He nodded his head and disappeared.

He walked out of his study room as he still heard her whining about not going together.

He walked through the never ending grand hallway as the nearby servants bowed at him until he passed. He made his way outside and saw the black horse standing with it's head held high.

" When will you be back My Lord? " Carlos asked as the Lord sat on the horse with his bow and arrows.

" Caring aren't you? Maybe at the dusk. " He said as his butler nodded.

"Take care My Lord. " Carlos bowed as the Lord took off.


The Lord aimed at the deer as he stood very far from it. The arrow pierced through the deer as it's limp body fell to the ground. The Lord licked his lips as he looked at the deer he had shot.

He dragged the deer towards where the other deers lay lifeless. He thought to later tell Carlos to collect them all.

As he finished hunting he was on his way back to the mansion when he heard splashing noise not very far. As curious as he was, he went to where he heard the noise and saw an unconscious body floating.He would have gone back without caring but the body looked familiar.

" I am going to play the hero for once. " He said to himself as he dove into the water and swam towards the body.He was amused as he saw who it was. He carried the body back and laid it on ground.

" She is still breathing, maybe I should blow air into her mouth?. I guess I will not , I don't want to ruin the fun. " He chuckled to himself and carried the girl 's body towards his horse. He careful placed her infront of him and started riding back to his mansion.


" My Lord - " Carlos was shocked at what he was seeing.

" Carlos the key to guestroom." The Lord ordered as the butler nodded and rushed to bring the keys.

Few moments later Carlos came back with the key and opened the door fastly as he didn't want to anger his master.

The Lord walked in and placed her careful on the bed and stared at her.

" Carlos leave us for a moment. " He commanded as the butler was confused but nonetheless he nodded and went outside.

The Lord slowly yet gently stroked her cheek with his thumb as he smiled.

"Such a beauty you are. " He murmured to himself as he placed a kiss gently on her  forehead. Just then he heard the door open.

" Cal we need to talk " A male voice said.

Lord Of Vaclya {Eternal Love #1} ON HOLD Where stories live. Discover now