White pig and cousin's long ride 2 Part 6

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Standing next to Ryuze after having gotten down, I looked around my surroundings. There was a pond close by here, the horse went as it pleased, and drank some water.

"There are a lot of ponds here..."

"Yeah, a lot of water was probably collected after the volcanic eruption. Although I say that, the water that's actually drinkable is very limited, it is within the zone of the volcano. There's lots of components that's mixed with the water. The pond that the horse is drinking from will probably be alright."

"Heeh, horses sure are capable"

Other than the transparent pond the horse was drinking from, there are muddy, reddish brown ponds too. Having got my interest caught, I approached the corner of the pond and stuck my hand in. The water within the pond was warmed up to a good temperature. Although it comes with a slight smell of rusty iron...

"It's kind of like a hot spring"

"Oyaa, Britany knows of hot springs?"

"... Yes, um, I think I red a book with something like that"

A normal lady, especially a shut-in like Britany, would probably have no way of knowing something like a natural hot spring. I used whatever explanation that worked.

"Is that it... Certainly, there are hot springs in the capital too. Unlike here, the seaside gets boiled there"

The warm water looks as though it's going to gush out of the pond. Warm Bubbles are formed in-between the cracks of small rocks.

"Ano... is it possible to draw this water to town?"

"Eh? What's the matter, all of a sudden..."

"Etto, I thought it'd be useable as bathing water"

His eyes looked at me as though saying what's this fatty on about? But it can't be helped. This place probably never had the concept of using water from hot springs. It doesn't even have a conduit after all!

There wasn't any depiction on hot springs in the manga either. The only concept for baths is boil water, put in tub. Regardless of it being the capital or outskirts, there may be those that soak in a natural hot spring, but it's definitely not deciphered as a typical action to do.

"Britany sure says strange things... Although I there are often scenes were animals use them, to actually use it as a substitute for baths..."

"Etto, leaving nobles aside, commoners don't actually take baths, right? Even in winter, they only wipe themselves with cold, wet clothes. Don't you think it's cold, unhygienic and bad for the body?"

There are a lot of people who die from sickness in the winter, especially in lands that are extremely cold during that season. Although I'm expressing such a reasonable excuse, in truth, all I want is to bath whenever I exercise without hesitation. Protecting the health of people while I'm at it, isn't that killing two birds with one stone?

I proposed making public bathhouses to Ryuze. I think there was such thing in the past for Europe too. The me who's lacking in skill, did not know the particular details though.

"Even if we make those, there's no guarantee that the commoners will use them. Unlike us, they have never bathed before. Wouldn't it become a wasted effort? And, to engineer and establish such a system requires money, we're quite a poor place"

"... I guess so, you are quiet right"

"By the way, close to the residence, there's an area of hot water arising from underground... it's too hot to use for water fields, there's volcanic components mixed in the water so no one's using it either. The stream that flows from there, does Britany want?"

"Eh, I want! It does lies within our area, right?"

"Of course, within the mansion's premises. Let's consult with grandfather once we get back"

Ryuze is, as I thought, really soft on me. It still remains a mystery why he is so nice to this fatty.

"Britany, although we can't draw from the hot springs, there are plans to put our area's conduit in order. I too, want to improve the sanitary conditions in this land. I studied in the capital for that purpose. Right now... just unable to put a hand on it due to the lack of funds"

"Was that so... as expected of Ryuze-oniisama"

"... You really have changed, completely like a different person"

"I-is that so..."

"It is. Previously, you only stayed in your room, eating sweets, never even thought about the territory, more like..."

"More like...?"

I pressed for the sequel. He averted my eyes and swallowed his words. Un. Definitely an insult of some sort.

"Anyways, to see to you grow like this, I'm very happy"

"... Thank you very much?"

"If it's the you right now, I'll have a piece of mind when you marry out"


I stared at my cousin in bewilderment.

"Ah, I meant in several years, of course. Your only twelve"

"That was a shock..."

"But, sooner or later... you'll have to leave this place"

"I know. Having a political marriage is, my role... I'll try wherever practical to marry into a rich family"

I doubtfully gazed at him as I replied.

Someone as perspective as him couldn't not have noticed Britany's affection towards him, right? If he said those lines knowing that, I will need to reassess this male cousin of mine... He is, by no means, a Ryuze-oniisama that's only nice.

I Reincarnated as a White Pig Noble's Daughter from a Shoujo Manga (On Hold)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang