Feeling Rough - Chapter Two

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Jade wets her lips, tries to swallow past the lump in her throat as she holds her weapon in front of her, the arrow pointed at the girl with the blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes. Her gaze flicks around, but she doesn't see much past the blonde girl's figure, her blue eyes staring at her, glinting and looking at her in a way that almost seems expectant.

She knows if the blonde girl decided to attack her she wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight. She was dehydrated and starving, which is why she'd led her group to the pharmacy in search of food and water. On top of that she was pretty drained from having to battle a horde of zombies and watch her closest friends die in front of her.

The blonde girl lowers her gun and takes a tentative step forward. Jade just tenses up more and pulls back the drawstring tighter, arrow still pointing at the girl's head. The brunette hears shuffling behind the girl, and she's sure the girl has more people behind her. The shuffling didn't sound like the dead disoriented footsteps of a zombie.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Perrie! What's wrong with you? Put your gun back up, she's got an arrow pointing at your head!" Jade hears a voice just outside the door, and she peers past the blonde girl's shoulder to see another girl with brunette hair and a handgun held in both hands.

The blonde girl, Perrie, swings her shotgun back so that it lays behind her back. She takes a few steps forward and Jade takes a few steps back.

"Mind your distance, blondie," Jade growled at her.

Perrie just smiles and put her hands up in surrender, "I mean no harm, tiny."

Jade grits her teeth in annoyance. All she wants to do right now is find shelter, curl up in a ball and bawl her eyes out. Instead she's standing here, going toe to toe with this strange girl and her posse.

Perrie's eyes drift to the left of Jade, where Zayn's body was slumped over the pharmacy counter. She bites her lip and looks back at the girl in front of her, who still has the arrow pointed at her face. 
She clears her throat, and motions to Zayn, "Did you kill him?"

"Fuck you," Jade spits out.

"Perrie," another girl appears behind the blonde girl, "let's not waste our time here. Leave the girl alone, we need to find water and shelter."

The blonde takes another step towards Jade, "Do you mind if I take a look around? We're low on water."

"I don't care what you do," Jade says. "I just need to be getting on my way."

Perrie steps around Jade and disappears behind the aisle, the girl with the afro following behind her. Once Perrie is away from the girl's line of fire she says, "Jesy, stay with her, will you? She may know where shelter may be."

Jade groans internally, and she looks at the girl in front of her, whose gun is still pointed at her. She puts her bow and arrow down and says, "Put your gun down, I won't try anything."

Jesy doesn't move, and the two girls just stare each other down.

"Oh my god!"

"Fuck, Leigh-Anne, get away from it."

Jesy's eyes drift behind Jade, where she sees Leigh-Anne and Perrie crouched over a bloody and mangled body. "Were there walkers here?" she asks.

Jade just nods numbly, eyes focused on her bloody combat boots.

Perrie reappears with case of water bottles and sets them down by Jesy's feet. "Did you know these guys? Or were they here when you got here?"

Brown eyes flash up to meet blue, "They were a part of my group. We were looking for food and water when a horde stormed in. I was the only one who managed to get out alive."

Feeling Rough - Jerrie Zombie AUWhere stories live. Discover now