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Bruce pov

It's simply another stormy night in Gotham. Nothing extreme has happened yet and Robin/Dick is home sick.

The headset in my mask turns on and I hear Alfred's voice "Master Bruce, I am afraid you might have to cut your evening activities short as it were. You have visitors."

"Who?" As I reach the streets where the batmobiel waits for me. "The only name I have is a Ms. Diana Prince." Wonder woman flashes in my mind. "I see."

The signal cuts as the vehicle speeds down a dark road just outside the city. The mind already preparing. For what he didn't know yet.

Little bat time skip-

He entered the room lit by only a fire place hidden behind a large leathery coach. Dressed in a way only Bruce would consider casual, while anyone else would guess he was preparing for one of his many banquets.

He could only see the familiar female figure by the fire. She wore a drenched overcoat and her hair flat with moisture from the rain. Even in this manner a single look at her face and you would know the proud and fierce warrior that she is.

"What is happening Diana?" The concern in his voice evident. It wasn't for her though. A man such as Batman would know if this was anything that wasn't a major threat to humanity she couldn't take care of alone. Wonder Woman would have handled it on her own. In the end however she was here now. Which only meant trouble if the powerful woman needed assistance from him. So no. The concern wasn't for her, but humanity.

Her words were quiet, but sharp. "I have been given a ward. I have no clue what to do with the boy. I have come to ask for help." She paused as if her next words were thought out in a way that held some life changing meaning.  Not that the first ones didn't shock Bruce enough. "Chronos delivered him to me."

Bruce lacked words and made his way over to Diana. Only to see a child sleeping on the oversized couch. Small yet similar to his own ward when he first came to the manor. This child however was delivered by Chronos a god even Diana seemed to fear. Diana was delivered a child by the god of time. "Would you like Alfred to watch him while we talk?" Bruce asked quietly.

She hesitated then nodded following Bruce, while Alfred tended the fire. The butler smiled in a knowing way as they left.

They followed a hall to the dinning room. Though the table stretched long enough to hold the population of a small town it seemed they sat in chairs right next to each other. A dim light made their faces glow as the storm pounded on walls and windows outside. Bruce had never seen Diana show weakness. He'd only seen her unwavering confidence.

And her face held no weakness, despair, or tears. Yet it did not show the confidence either. Diana's face was cold and confusion gripped her eyes as if she were not truely there.

"Tell me everything." And so she did. She spoke of the flash of light, of Chronos, his smile that held no cruelties, his words, of the white haired boy with no legs, how the white hair became black and green eyes became blue, of the bell, and how Daniel was left alone with her. He too was left confused. Then the Batman kicked in. "We'll take blood samples to see if he's related to any human at least and do some background checks. If nothing showes up we'll make him birthcertificate and legally put him in your care. Before any of that you need to sleep and we will speak to him in the morning." The confusion in her eyes doesn't disipate, but she nods and walks out.

A moment later she walks back with a red backpack around her wrist and the sleeping boy in her arms. She doesn't look down at the little prince, but focused ahead. She asks to be taken to their rooms and Alfred leads the way.

Tomorrow will certainly be intresting for everyone.

Hey guys! The people who have read Phantom Janitor (shameless self promoting me shh) my other crossover story (check it out) know I like to talk and apologize to you down here. But if you're new to reading my works I guess you know now.

So hi...

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A deal I honestly can't refuse Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant