"No, but I need your help. Now."

I didn't ask any more questions because of the urgency in his voice. He turned and ran down the hall with me on his heels. I felt this overwhelming sense of darkness come over me and I almost fell from the sheer force of it. I paused to gather myself causing Tyler to do the same when a deafening growl actually shook the walls hard enough that some of the smaller paintings fell off the walls. Tyler and I shared a look and he grabbed onto me and dragged me toward the growls until we reached a set of double doors that I remember being one of the conference rooms. I flinched away from the loud growls and yelling coming from the room. Tyler opened the doors and we were met with absolute chaos. Titus was being held down by his father along with Asher, Jaxon, Paxton, and Greyson, growling and snapping his teeth viciously in the direction of an older man with three bloody scratches going across the length of this face.

"Titus, you have to calm down!" his father yelled.

His pleas went ignored along with everyone else's, he was too busy doing his own yelling.

"Get the fuck off me so I can fucking kill him!"

His voice wasn't his own, while his voice was normally a deep baritone this voice was deeper somehow, a growl, his alpha was in full effect. I found myself slowly backing away having every intention to follow my gut and run as far away from him as I could, I knew it would mean nothing but trouble and that meant me being hurt.

Tyler turned to me.

"Amina, I know you're scared but he needs you to calm him down before he hurts someone else or himself, no one can do it but you. You're his mate, please he's blacked out if it goes for too long he could seriously hurt himself. Please."

I looked away from Tyler's pleading face and back toward the barely contained commotion going on in the room. Titus' threats had devolved into earsplitting, animalistic growls and I could see he was partially shifted. Dark fur was sprouting from his arms and face and his claws were extending from his fingers, skin splitting to allow the transformation.

"Amina please, if he shifts he going to go on a rampage and rip this place apart."

I looked on, fear ready to close in on me.

No, he won't hurt you and even if he does it's up to me to keep everyone else safe, it's my job, I'm the luna.

I braced myself as best I could and made my way carefully in the room.

You can do this.


The growling continued as if he hadn't heard me at all. I walked closer and tried again, receiving the same results. Finally I was knelt just a few inches away from him, obvious fear rolling from me in waves and this seemed to agitate him further as his struggling became almost violent and his growls somehow rose in volume.

"Amina, you need to touch him honey, that's the only way he might calm down enough." His father spoke to me.

I sucked in a deep breath and reached out a hand to gently cup Titus' face.

My hand froze at his massive chest where I let it drop and rub soothing circles.

"Titus'? Can you calm down please?"

It didn't seem to be working.
"Try skin to skin contact, that might work better."

I listened to the advice and placed a hand on his sweaty forehead and almost snatched it back when I felt how hot his skin felt but I refrained because his earsplitting growls had quieted down to a deep rumble in his chest. I looked into his golden eyes, they were unfocused but held unbridled rage within their depths. I tried again.

Her Alpha KingWhere stories live. Discover now