Chapter 3: What's happening!?

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"She will be fine Mr. and Mrs. Woods" 'Whos that?' I try opening my eyes, but I feel like boulders are holding down my eyelids. "Honey, what will happen if she doesn't remember us?" 'That voice' My body feels like its being held down " I'm sure she won't forget us, we're her parents" 'Who are these people...they sound so familiar'... "help...Me" 'I said something!'

I feel someone grab my hand "sweety it's me...your mom!" '' I try to move my hand from her grip, but im to weak. "sweety, can you open your eyes?" I try and try then finally a bright light overtakes my sight. "Ugh!" I yell trying to shield my eyes from the brightness. "Honey, I don't think she likes the lights!" I hear hurried footsteps and then a click. I try opening my eyes again.

I notice the lights have been dimmed down. I fully open my eyes to see two people standing at my bedside. Their faces finally come into focus. The first thing I say is "Who are you people?" I look down to see my hand in the lady's hand. I put all my strength into pulling my hand away. She slowly let's go and stumbles back. I look at her to see the complete shock on her face. 

Tears roll down her face as she stumbles back more. The man on the other side of my bed quickly made his way to the lady's side to help her catch her balance. "We're your parents Lilly!..." 'My parents?' I look at both of them and say "parents?" 

They look at me in horror and I guess the woman couldn't take it anymore and ran out crying while the man chases after her. "Strange...What happened to me?" I look at where I am. A white bed and tubs in my skin, bandages and...and lost memories. "WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME!?" I feel burning in my right eye. I move my hand to touch my face. 

there are tears rolling down my face eye? "Huh?" I touch my other cheek to feel...nothing. I look to my right and press the help button for a nurse. After a few minutes of waiting a girl came into the room. "may I help you?" She has such a bright smile. I didn't want to be rude, but I was scared and panicked so I yelled "WHERE THE HELL AM I...AND WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!?" and before she could answer. "uhh and who were those people in my room when I woke up?"She didn't say anything for a while until she finally left the room...'yup...just wut the hell.'


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