I drive quickly down the quiet streets, until up a head I see there car, I slam on the grass, and tbone their car sending it tumbling. I speed out of there and sink the car in the lake at the edge of town. I call the driver to pick me up, it's done my baby is in, and nothing will stand in her way.


((hours later, everyone's asleep,))

as everyone is sleeping I watch the late nigh news when the accident came up.

" there was a major car crash on court road, the car that was hit apparently skidded several feet before flipping twice and catching on fire, police say that the car belonged to the McCain family, and that only their young daughter survived the crash as most of her family was killed on impacted, they tell me her name is Jo, and she is 12 years old. her condition is still unknown as doctors are keeping that information private, but what we do know is the car that hit the McCain's was a Lamborghini Gallardo, and the locals are advised to call the police if they have any information about the crash or the missing Lamborghini," I shut off the TV, why couldn't that brat just die!! this can't do!! one day she will have to die. but for now ill have to be patient.

((end of flash back))

well I've given that little brat 2 years, but it's time I finish the job. Jo, where ever you are, I'll find you, so say your goodbyes. you won't be alive to see another year go by.












Liam's POV

ok, how am I going to wake up Jo? I don't want to yell at her, or shake her. maybe I should sing to her? yeah that sounds right. ok I walk up to her doors and slowly open them,Jo was sitting up on her bed dressed and everything.

"good morning Jo, Harry's cooked some breakfast if you want some." she hops off the bed slowly and doesn't make eyes contact with me, so I lead her to the kitchen and pull out her chair.

"morning beautiful, would you like a pancake?" she nods and he plopped one down on a plate and also gives her her pills, she takes the pills and quickly eats the pancake.

"would you like another? Zayn asked she she shook her head no.

"well we need to be at the studio I'm half and hour, so what you want to do till then is up to you, you can go to your room, you car play in the music room, or play some video games, what ever you want."  she nodded and got up putting her dished in the sink then went off to her room. I finish up my pancake, and get ready. once it was time to leave Harry went to her room and got her, she walked keeping a fare distance between us. we all had talked last night when she went to bed. we've decided that were going to give her her space for a few days, and then try to get her to tell us something about he past. all we want to do is make her feel safe, and not get hurt, we don't want her to be like the kids Simon talked about. I don't know what we would do if she died, I mean we just got her!!!  in the car we all sit in silence, when we get to the studio we all get out and Simon is waiting for us.

"hello again boys, and nice to see you Jo." he says shaking are hands and when he got to Jo he bent down to her level and slowly stuck out his hand, she winced and he pulled back a sad expression on his face. "well shall we get started" he said gesturing toward the sound booth we get in and start recording, after about 3 songs Simon comes into talk to us.

"how where we?" Niall asks. and Simon smiles.

"you guys were great, but I think we should talk about your daughter." he says and we all freeze.

"what about her?" I ask

" we need to talk about the possibility that we should bring her back to the orphanage, you guys have a hectic life full of people, fans, paparazzi, and cameras, I don't know if she can handle that. she has been abused and it seems she's lost her trust. I've talked to some experts and they think she might have Anthrophobia, which is the fear of humans. it's not healthy, she should have been taken into therapy when the first signs appeared, but at this point they said there only a 2% chance she will ever be able to recover." we are all speechless, he wants us to give her back?!?! but she was abused there!!

"I think we would bet on that 2% then give her up." Zayn says and I agree.

" they also said there's a 52% chance she will die. I don't think you guys should go threw that, it's better to let her go before one of you have to find her dead body in the tub, or something like that." he says, no! we won't let her die!!!

"no, I won't let her! well pull her out of it!!" I say making fists "and we won't give her up, that would only make it worse! she's been adopted 20 times and we are number 21!" Simon looks shocked, "and the orphanage director hurt her" he was speech less and sat down. 

"you guys might actually be right." he whispered.

"yeah, we would never give up Jo, she is are daughter and we love her. we will do all we can to save her from herself." Louis says standing up. "I think we're done for today," he says walking out of the sound booth.

"I think we are." Niall says following him, we all file out and surround Jo. she was sitting and Louis was crouched down next to her.

"Jo, would you like to go home?" he asked andshe nodded. we decide to walk home, we all could use the fresh air. we walked threw a near by park, where there was some kids play on a playground, some runners, and some people picking up trash.

"JO!!!!!!!" some one screamed, then I look up a head and one of the girls picking up trash was running towards us her arms spread. she engulfed Jo in a hug, and Jo tightened up. who is this girl? "Jo? what's wrong? don't you recognise me?"

"who are you?" I ask. the girl let go of Jo and looked at us.

"who are you!?" she asked, ok! who is this girl?!?!!

"Jo, it's me Amelia." she said and Jo lifted her head.

"Amelia??" she asked, and Amelia nodded, ok what I miss. Jo hugged Amelia, ok I'm having very mixed feeling about this girl!!! Jo started crying into her shoulder. Harry walks over and starts rubbing circles in Jo's back, but Jo flinched.

"get away from her! who are you people!" Harry stepped back.

"we can ask you the same thing." Harry snaps. I glare at him, Jo apparently trusts this girl, and that what we need Jo to start doing, trusting people.

"we're her parents" I say and Amelia scowels at us.

"your not her parents her parents are Chris and Lisa McCain, Jo where are your parents, and why are you crying." she says. and Jo cried harder.

"no we are her parents, we adopted her." Zayn says

"what? adopted? Jo what happened to your parents, what happened to Natalie?" Jo just kept crying into Amelia's shoulder.

"you never answered are question, who are you."I ask and she rubs Jo's back.

"I'm a old friend, Jo we have a lot to catch up on. when can we talk." she say as Jo sniffs stopping the tears.

"how about now, we would like to ask you some questions to." I ask, she nodes ok. and pulls Jo over to a bench and sat down.

"ok," she says, but then she gets exited. "did you ever get into the MAG??" she asks, and Jo shook her head no.




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