Part 2

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Deku POV-

Walking is a lot calmer then using Kurogiris quirk, but considering I'm being back a known serial killer I'd be a lot safer to just warp back. Shōto let out a small excited gasp as be interesting the bar where Tomura sat. "Deku? Who's this ugly mess" I choked this kids gunna get his ass beat, Tomura wasn't very amused but Dabi lost his shit. Between small laughs and snorts I managed to say "This is Tomura he's our leader" his face didn't really change after hearing he's literally the boss " this piece of stale bread is your leader" he chuckled oh my god Tomura is gunna kill us all. I hadn't realized that he never told me why I was supposed to bring Shōto here. "All jokes aside do you know why you're here?" Shōto pauses and looked over at me "cuz Deku invited me?"

Tomura let out a sigh and wrinkled his forehead "I need you and Deku to do something for me". So he's finally gunna tell me I sat on a stool at the bar and asked Kurogiri for a drink "you two are going to kill Enji" I spit my drink out and apologized briefly to Kurogiri. "I'm sorry the fuck did you just say" killing Enji isn't going to be as easy as killing a low level hero he's like Top tier shit. I could tell Shōto was really excited "you might be crusty but I can't decline an offer like that!" I took a slow sip from my drink, maybe Tomura is actually TRYING to get me killed Shōto hugged me from behind. I don't know why he started to cling to me but it wasn't so bad I guess.

He had me show Shōto to our room he didn't tell us the plan he just said have him dead before the week ends... it's fucking Thursday. So we have 3 days to figure out how to kill one of the strongest men I've ever had the honor to meet. "So we're sharing a room?" He sat on my bed "yeah I guess so". His eyes were pale and his skin pale and covered in dirt and blood, he had a star covering the right side of his face and little scars around his body. "You should take a shower Shōto" the room we stayed in has a bed and a full bathroom room, I had a desk and didn't really own many clothes so I saw no point in a closet. "Wanna join me" he chuckled and walked into the bathroom "I'll pass" he shut the bathroom door and I heard the water running. I got up and sat at my desk flipping through my binder till I found the "T"s let's see Todoroki Shōto... all the basic information was already filled out like his quirk, height, weight the simple stuff. He had two brothers and a sister? I wonder if they're just as crazy as him? I hope he'll let me ask him a couple questions, i was distracted and he draped his arms around resting his chin on my head.

"Fufu what are you my fan or something" he looked down at the file I was holding "dream on," I grabbed the pen resting on my desk "but Shōto can I ask you some questions?" He let me go and sat on the bed. I turned to face him, I choked,  he had only a towel wrapped around his waist. I cleared my throat and he chuckled "only if I get to ask you some questions too?" I agreed and I started with basic questions like "why'd you run away?" He gave me a little bit about his backstory and his abusive dad, I wrote it all down and asked him some more questions. "So then your fire quirk? You're fire and ice but you haven't talked about the fire part much?" Now his expression changed he scuffed "I'm guessing your father right?" He didn't answer, so easy to read. I thought for a second "Shōto" He looked at me water still dripping off his hair and down his muscles, damn. I cleared my throat again "you don't use it cuz it came from your father? Am I right?" He flinched his fist and gritted his teeth I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to jump me right then and there. "I have an idea that might help with this problem" I chuckled and slammed my binder closed, I had obviously peaked his interest "let's here it" he smirked.

"We'll kill your father with the quirk he gave you,, no, will kill him with both of your quirks" I stood up and I un cuffed  my sleeves he stood up and slammed me up against my desk "let me ask you some questions now deku". Oh my god I could feel his body heat, his eyes looked serious I gulped and nodded my head. "What is your quirk?" Really of all the questions that's what he picks, I looked away "I don't have one" he can say whatever he wants about me I don't care kacchan already made me numb to it. "Really? But you're so strong." Wow that gave me fucking whiplash "are you just trying to get on my good side?" I gave him a little bit of a glare and he chuckled "not at all, I just wanna learn about you." What an idiot with a stupid smile how did this kid kill so many people yet acts like he wouldn't even hurt a fly this is a trap I call it. "So then why are you here" it was another useless question "revenge. Rather simple, I want to be strong and prove them wrong"He let my hands go and I massaged my wrist.  He started to walk away, still just in his towel, and I let him... no reason not to right? He closed the door behind me and I flopped on my bed.

"Fucking useless"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2018 ⏰

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