trick or treat e.d

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Warning: age gap

Iris's POV:

     for being seventeen years old, i looked twelve. because of this i get treated like i'm twelve by everyone around me, but i've decided to embrace it. the biggest upside to my physical misfortune is that i can still trick or treat on halloween and no one questions me- besides my friends and family.
      this year i decided to go as an angel. the costume was pretty simple; my white dress flowed all the way to the ground, but had small straps. my wings were large but plain and my hair was straight down. i did light makeup and i was set for the night. my phone buzzed so i picked it up. my brother texted me.
are you sure you don't want to go to millie's party? literally everyone is going to be there.
im sure as always bro. see you tomorrow morning
      parties were never really my thing. i just look like the little sister that was lost. it's embarrassing. i'd much rather eat candy in my room alone. it was starting to get dark so i grabbed my candy bag and headed out the door.


       i hadn't even gone to three houses yet and i was already regretting my costume choice. the plunging neckline of my dress was making goosebumps form all over my arms and legs. i shivered as another older woman with kids approached me asking where my parents were and if i was lost. i went to a few houses but i didn't gather very much.
      i approached a big house and knocked on the door. hopefully a person rich enough to live here gave out full size candy bars. the large door opened.
      "trick or- ethan?"
behind the big wooden door decorated with cobwebs and spiders was mr. ethan dolan. not only was he my father's business partner, but he was his best friend.
"i-iris? what are you doing here? aren't you like... seventeen?" he asked looking me up and down. i shuffled my feet as i could feel me cheeks heating up with embarrassment. i didn't think i would run into anyone i actually knew while trick or treating.
"umm yes, i am." i looked up at him as he towered over me. he was wearing a sweater that hugged his body and jeans. a corny witch hat was on top of his head. i'd never seen him so chill. every time he was over at my house for work he was in a suit or at least slacks and a button up. it was a nice change.
he smiled down at me and adjusted his hat.
"i like your costume. an angel, right?" he asked pointing to the wings. i nodded up at him. "it's very fitting." his whole face lit up as he smiled. i could feel his eyes survey my body-his gaze heavy.
"thanks, but um i should get going if your not gonna give me any candy." i joked. he looked down at the bowl of candy he held in his hand. disregarding my statement he stepped aside.
"it's getting dark. and cold. the candy can wait, can't it? you wanna come in and and have some apple cider?" he held his hand out for me to grab. i don't know why, but for some reason i grabbed his hand. we walked into his house and he lead me to the couch.
       "i'll be right back." his said as he walked into the kitchen. his house was amazing. high ceilings and beautiful furniture. i never realized how rich ethan must be.
      "here we are!" he said handing me a warm cup of apple cider. i whispered a thank you as we sat in comfortable silence.
      " so why are you trick or treating when i'd think someone your age would be out partying?" he asked sipping his cider. i looked down.
      " i guess it's just because i look so young. i don't really fit in with anyone around me. everyone can get away with more. like going to parties, clubs. i definitely wouldn't be able to get in. i look twelve." i laughed trying to lighten the situation.
      "well don't your close friends stay behind with you? if you don't try to go of course." he asked. i twiddled with the mug.
      "no they all have boyfriends that they need to be with. they're so much more experienced with life- i wouldn't fit in."
      " well don't you have a boyfriend?"
      "no..." i could feel my cheeks reddening in embarrassment. i shifted on the couch.
      " why don't you take off your wings they seem a little uncomfortable." he pointed out.
i agreed and removed them already feeling more comfortable.
      " if you're so worried about being inexperienced, i could help." ethan said with a smirk. my eyes widened as i tried to figure out if i was just hearing things.
      " i- i'm not sure what you mean." i said. instead of telling me what he meant. he showed me. he lifted my chin with his finger planting a soft kiss on my lips, causing me to jump. slowly, i melted into the kiss as he lift me into his lap.

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