Second step, get all the pity from your mom and your only real friend

And finally, spend the rest of your day alone.

I look at my cast. I'm going to take it off in a month or so. I think it's a good thing. That reminds me too much bad memories.

I look around to my room to see if I could do anything. I look of my many many many plants. I have cactuses, many variety of flowers and even a little tree. Jared used to make fun of me for having so much plants in my room.

But I know he liked them too cause once, mom invited his mom and him and I needed to go to the bathroom. When I came back to my room I saw him looking very interested at one of my cactuses.

That still makes me smile when rethink of it. I didn't make a comment about it I didn't want to upset him.

Once I bought him a plant but he probably threw it away. He doesn't want me in his life anyway.

I close my eyes and start feeling very tired.


"Honey! Could you help me with the cake please?" I hear my mom say. I think I fell asleep after closing my eyes. "W-what cake?" I ask confused as I go down stairs.

Mom doesn't bake often. She only bakes when we have guests... And that's the last thing I want right now. I just want to be alone.

"Are you ok? You look really tired." She says gently. "W-Well I am..." I mutter.

"W-why are you b-baking mom?" I ask. "You'll see Evan." She sounds really excited. She does that when she has an idea. But parents' ideas aren't always the bests.


I go back to my room and open my laptop. I start writing a letter. I write a letter almost every day. But it's not letters to myself anymore. I write letters to Jared. To apologize.

Dear Jared,

You'll probably never read this. I guess it's more for myself than for you but still, I'm doing this. I've been a real asshole. I know it. And I'm really sorry about it. This whole 'Connor Project' thing was the worst idea I've ever had. Well that fake emails thing was also a bad idea. Lying to everyone was as bad as these things by the way. Anyway, my stupidity isn't the topic of this letter. I wanted to say sorry. I'm sorry for using you and for being a jerk to you. Even if you don't trust me you're dear to me and it hurt when you said you were just talking to me because of your car insurance. Because to me, your a real friend not just a family friend.


I save it and add it to many others I've written. I feel so stupid for writing letters that will never be read.

The doorbell rings. That's weird. Who would come to the Hansen's house at 7 P.M.? It rings again. "Evan! Can you go open the door please, I'm busy for the moment sweetie." I hear my mom call.

I sigh and go down stairs. I start feeling nervous I'm not good with social interactions. As I get closer to the door I hear two people arguing. I can't hear what they were saying but the voices sound familiar.

My shaky fingers reach the doorknob.

"Why did you drag me here again? If I knew it was here we were going I wouldn't even have got in the car!" Oh my god... That voice...

"Well now we're here and it's too late to go back at home."

I'm not ready but I don't have a choice. I open the door and the arguing stops. There are a boy crossing his arms and an older woman smiling politely at me.

"H-hi Ms.K-kleinman." I say waving shyly at her. My breathe gets quicker as my gaze drift to the boy next to her.

"H-hi J-jared."

Word count: 1344

A/n: Heyyyy. This is my first fanfic. Well this is the first fanfic I publish but still. Anyway feel free to comment and say constructive things. I'm french so it might have many spelling errors. Feel free to point them. For the moment there isn't a cover but I will work on it don't worry. I hope you'll enjoy this fanfic.

Buh-bi !

P.s: I probably won't update really often sorry...

~Maybe you're more than just a family friend~ (Kleinsen) Where stories live. Discover now