Part 3: Blood ~ Chapter 15

Start from the beginning

Zoey couldn't believe what was happening. How can she have such control over Lucius? And Enkiru, is that his real name? She swallowed and sought eye contact with Gwen, but she was still staring at Lucius. Zoey was hesitant to speak for she didn't want to get on Khalida's bad side—especially now that she had managed to arrange for a possible way out. He knows I'm alive now, so living in secrecy is no longer an option. But after this so-called truce ends, I might still be able to get away. A sinister grin tugged at her lips. Perhaps I'll get the chance to kill him and be done with him once and for all.

"What about Gwen?" Lucius asked.

Gwen's eyes grew big with fear. "What about me?"

"I already told Gwen that if you were to figure out what had happened, she would need to face the consequences herself."

Gwen took a few steps back, face ashen. "I-I," she stammered, lowering the phone. Lucius took it from her grasp and she immediately moved away from him. "I'm sorry, I—"

"Oh, save your lies. You're only sorry because you don't like the consequences." Lucius grinned, recovering from his earlier humiliation now that he could focus on someone else.

Isa stepped in front of Lucius, hands on her hips. "I told you before: don't you dare touch her or—"

"Isa, stand down," Khalida commanded. "Gwen knew her actions could have consequences. Nobody here is exempt from consequences—not when it involves our own."

"So, I take it you're okay with me punishing her pretty little ass?" Lucius' eyes gleamed with sadistic joy.

"As long as you don't do any lingering harm—I wouldn't want Isa and Kyron starting a rebellion because you can't control yourself." Khalida clicked her tongue. "And we all know how well your self-control has been lately..."

Lucius grinned. "Oh, I'll be able to control myself just fine."

"Still, any punishment you wish to do will be done under the supervision of Isa," Khalida added. "I'd rather prevent than cure."

Lucius grunted, "Fine." His eyes shimmered. "On second thought, it might be extra fun having her watch."

Isa took Gwen's hand, squeezing it reassuringly. She glared at Lucius, but he was unimpressed.

"Alright," Gwen said meekly. "I'll take responsibility for my actions. Just... How did you even know?" Her gaze went from Lucius to Khalida's image in his hand. "Please, don't tell me you—"

"Don't be preposterous," Khalida said. "Why would I get myself into such a quarrel? What would I gain from that?"

Lucius chuckled. "You can thank Bobbi—or yourself."

Gwen and Zoey both frowned, unsure what he meant.

Lucius placed the phone down and Isa immediately picked it up, aiming the camera at him so Khalida wouldn't miss anything.

Lucius ran his fingers across Zoey's mangled leg. "Bobbi should know that I love trackers. She tried to escape me once before." He tapped his fingers on the sole of her boot and grinned.

Zoey's eye widened in shock. Seriously? Is that why he kept my boots? Because he rigged them? She suddenly understood why he was fine with Gwen taking her out shopping.

"I have to admit, Khalida is right—it did take me too long to realise you were still alive. After everything that had happened, along with the chaos of having to flee a country, I figured your boots had been found by some hobo." He grabbed her leg and squeezed it. "Imagine my reaction when the signal suddenly popped on the other side of the world."

The Transcended: They call him LuciusWhere stories live. Discover now