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Reaaaally didn't know what direction to take this in. Sorry for the wait! ⛄️ Hope you enjoy.

Sebastian snarls, hissing deeply at Claude like a mangey cat. The larger demon smirks, eyes glowing crimson as he opens his mouth just slightly revealing rows of sharpened fangs. "I'll make this painless, crow," he lies, walking slowly up to the small demon, leather shoes clicking ominously against the hardwood floors.

Ciel stands from his desk, trying to look charismatic with his unimpressive height and young, innocent features. "Alois! What is the meaning of this?!" He demands, booming his voice through the room as it echoes off the walls. "Go back to your duties - I'm dealing with my butler,"

"My Claude will deal with him much more swiftly," Alois refutes, smirking deviously. "Don't you want to get out of your contract?"

"I order you, stop this at once!"

"My butler doesn't take order from you," Alois barks. "This is for the best, dearest Ciel. Let him die,"

"I wasn't speaking to you," Ciel glares, flicking his eyes coldly down to his weakness butler, coughing on the floor. "I order you, stop this foolish display of weakness! This is no time for games!"

"M-Master...he is being controlled by Earl Trancey,"

Ciel purses his lips. "Do as you must,"

Through his low-hanging fringe Sebastian glares with scarlet eyes at Claude's feet, raising his head with barely the energy to breathe. Through droplets of his own blood he smirks. "As you wish,"

Claude is thrown backwards, body hammering against the fat wall by a kick to the far with Sebastian's heel. Quickly regaining momentum he propels forward, slamming into the smaller butler who swiftly dodges his assault and draws butterknives from his coast. Claude chuckles. "You always did rely on weapons," he throws his body at Sebastian who pulls back, he more agile of the two gripping onto the balcony to escape the office.

Sebastian throws a knife at Claude to distract him, forcing him to block it and giving him just enough time to drop from the barrier, disappearing into the foyer below. Claude follows, swooping down like a spider crawling from a web.

Ciel approaches Alois, wrapping a hand around his throat and slamming the smaller boy into the wall. "What the hell have you done?!"

Alois quivers under his icy glare. "I-I thought you'd be happy!" He begins to cry. "I saved you f-from your contract!"

"Call that insect back now!" Ciel demands, slapping Alois harshly in the face with his ring hand. A faint bruise appears in the edge of his cheek, blood spotting from a patch of broken skin. Alois starts to sob.

"I-I don't think I can! I don't know how!"

Meanwhile downstairs, Sebastian rides a food cart along one of the hallways, pointing slightly. "I'll need to re-buff the floors after this..." he sighs, skidding along as Claude follows in a cart of his own.

Eventually Sebastian disappears into the darkness of the storage cellar and Claude halts, getting off the cart and creeping down after him. "You can't hide from me, Raven,"

"I have no intention of hiding from you,"

The spider feels the edge of a butter knife against his throat, ripping back his head from a fistful of hair wrapped between Sebastian's fingers. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you,"

Claude smiles. "Your Master didn't order you to. And surely he wouldn't take kindly to do emotionally breaking his Highness?"

Sebastian's smile grows to a smirk. "'Do a you must' actually means, take whatever action I deem necessary,"

Claude gulps.

"So I'll repeat the question; why shouldn't I kill you?"

The larger demon clicks his marked tongue against the edge of his sharply pointed teeth. "Because I have an idea that requires less cleanup,"

Kitchen BoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang