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It wasn't until Jeonghan hyung's party when I had the first conversation with Junhui. Everyone was either wasted or high, not counting me wanted to get a hold of those weed brownies at the table.

He was outside the frat house that time, smoking a cigarette.

I casually stood beside him, pulling out my own cigarette and lighter. My hands shook as I lit it up, my nerves were going crazy just standing beside him.

I couldn't light the cigarette.

"Hey, you need help?" He asked. I looked at him, then glanced at our surroundings for other people.

To be sure, I pointed at myself. "Uh, is it me or—"

"Yes, you. Wonwoo, right? I'm Junhui, if you remember me from the skate park." He chuckled, lighting up the cigarette between my lips with his lighter.

He recalled my name. Nicenicenice-

"Uh, yeah. I remember you. You had mad skills, man. I'm impressed. Thanks, by the way." I blew off the smoke in the air, letting my shoulders relax from the tension.

"Thanks and no problem." Junhui sat down on the curb. He looked up at me, "You seem like a stay-at-home kind of guy. Why are you in a party?"

I shrugged, sitting down beside him. It was supposed to be cold, but the warm feeling I got just being near him beats it. "It's Yoon Jeonghan's party. Who doesn't want to be in his parties? But yeah. I like indoors."

"Same. Mingyu and Minghao only dragged me here because of that same reason. Those dicks." He mused, letting out a deep breath.

"I was going to say you don't talk about my roommate like that but you're right."

Junhui raised a brow, biting his lip.

Fuck, that was hot.

"Wait. Mingyu?"

I nodded. His mouth made an 'o' shape, nodding slightly. "So you're the hermit Gyu talks about?"

What the fuck, Mingyu. "That's me."

"Matches the description. Teal green hair, fox eyes, pale. Looks like a dead person. Mingyu isn't wrong about you." He laughed that beautiful laugh I heard at the pet store, his shoulders raised and fell, tossed his head back and slightly shook.

Kim fucking Mingyu, you're dead.

... Maybe I shouldn't joke about that anymore.

"Why are you always right?" I asked him when his laughter died down.

He made an unsure sound, flicking the cigarette butt on the ground and stepping on it. "Maybe just about you."

I didn't say anything else. I let that sink into my mind. He was always right about me.

"I'll be going. See you around, Wonwoo." Junhui pat my shoulder twice, then he got up and walked away.

He didn't smell like he drank something. He was sober.

I talked to Junhui for the first time ever at Jeonghan hyung's party, and neither of us were drunk.

That was an accomplishment in my part.

thirteen ↝ʷᵒⁿʰᵘᶦ ᵎWhere stories live. Discover now