Chapter 36 (Five years later)

Start from the beginning

"So is this your house?" Michael asks. Faith nods. 

"Unfortunately." She says, pointing to a drunk couple making out against a wall. 

"I am so truly sorry." He says. 

"My label forced me to do this." She says. "I should've rented an apartment in Nashville or something." She laughs. 

"That would've been a good idea." He says. "I'm not really one for New Years parties." He admits. 

"Me neither." Faith admits. "Why are you here then?" 

"My artist had to go." He says. 

"Are you like a publicist?" Faith asks. 

"I'm actually a producer." He says. Faith nods. 

"Ahhhh. I see." She says. "Who's your artist?" 

"Sara Evans." He says, pointing over to her. Faith nods. 

"She's awesome." Faith says. Michael nods. "Are you guys like a thing?" Faith asks slowly. 

"God, no. I'm not her type." He laughs. Faith smiles. 

"She has a type?" Faith asks laughing. 

"She wants the quiet guys who want a million kids. I picked that up the day I started working with her." He says. Faith seems a little disheartened for a moment. "I want kids, I'm just not quiet." He clarifies. I can tell Faith feels relieved. 

"I have three." Faith says. "A year 15 old, a 14 year old, and a 11 year old... All girls... It feels like a million kids." She laughs, he smiles. 

"I always wanted three or four kids. I just haven't found the right girl yet." He says, looking down at her. She nods, not sure how to take it. 

"He likes you." I say to Faith. Faith looks at him and smiles. 

"I'm a singer." She says. I laugh. She's nervous, and giggly. 

"I figured." Michael says. "I actually love your work." He says, sounding very professional.

"Well, thank you." She says playfully. 

"Do you want something to drink?" he asks. Faith nods. 

"I kept everything good hidden, so I'll grab it." She says while he laughs. She grabs a bottle of wine from the wine cooler in the basement. He laughs as she holds it up. 

"Smart girl!" He says. 

"You okay with wine?" She asks. She sounds like she did when we started dating. I chose well. 

"Absolutely!" He says, grabbing two glasses off of the counter next to the cooler. They walk upstairs and look around. Faith gets an idea.

"Are you warm?" She asks.

"I guess." He says hesitantly.

"Do you have like a jacket or anything?" She asks.

"Yes I do. Should I grab it?" Faith nods. She grabs my LSU sweatshirt from the laundry room without a second thought and meets Michael by the back door. They both go outside. The snow is a few inches thick on the ground. Faith leads him out to a barn on our property. They go upstairs and open the hay loft door. "Wow..." He says, looking at the view.

"I know right." She says, wrapping her bare legs with blanket. 

"This is incredible." He says. This was my favorite view on our property. The mountains are covered with snow, while the small lake is iced over. The moonlight reflects off of the ice, sparkling on the snow. 

"This is my favorite place." Faith says. He nods. 

"I can see why." The stars are shining almost as bright as the moon. Faith puts her hands in the pocket of her sweatshirt to warm them. "You look freezing." He says. "Here." He takes his hands and wraps them around hers to keep her warm. She smiles. 

"Thank you." She says. My smile slowly fades as I think back to when I used to do that for her. 

"So you're single parenting?" He asks her. She nods. 


"That's tough." He says. "So what's the story?" He asks. 

"My husband was killed during a home invasion." She says. He nods slowly. "He had a cancerious tumor in his head, so he wouldn't have lasted much longer anyways." She add quietly. 

"I'm so sorry." He says. "I can't imagine." Faith nods. 

"It's hard." 

"I was raised by a single parent." He says to her. She looks up at him. 

"What's the story?" She mocks. He smiles. 

"My mom left me and my dad alone the hospital the day after I was born. So he decided to keep me and raise me." He says. 

"I'm sorry." Faith says

"It's alright. I think it's done me well."

"My mom had to give me to foster care... because she couldn't afford to keep me. She was a drug addict." She explains. 

"5...4...3...2..." You can hear everyone scream from inside the house. "...1... Happy new years!" They chant. Faith and Michael look at each other for a moment before slowly moving in for a kiss. Faith looks so nervous as they touch. I let them go for a few seconds and I sneak down the stairs. 

"It's official, I'm the best matchmaker!" I chant as I run down the stairs. I hear Faith let out a little giggle as I give them some privacy.

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