5. Past 4 - Tools

Beginne am Anfang

I made her crying. After that, I promised to myself, even I am dreaming, my heart will choose to forget all, that's why sometimes I can't remember what I am dreamed at night. For me, dreaming like curse, because it can take away what is precious to me. I always told Lemon what I am dreaming or I will wrote it in journal the she will read it later, sometimes happen and or not, i don't know. What I am afraid is the truth of what my mother talked to me when I was a child.

"Cantoloupe, my sweetheart, you know, when you love someone dearly, sometimes you have to choose between your power or the one you love. Love is pure power in this world and Love is infinity. Nothing can save you when you to depend on your power, but love can save you from the darkness and lost from it. If you want depend on your power, you need Love to safe you. Only pure heart can make Love is infinity. Like mother and father." My mother said to me when I am learning about my sight-seeing like my mother did. Henceforward, I still didn't catch what my mother mean by that until now.

Back to the reality

"So, what price can I give you, Aim?" I said to her.
"Hmm, I don't want you to pay me hehehe but I wanna try something to you. This! *she give a rubber band to my hand* it can grant you one wish." Aim said smiling innocently.
"Is it on of your failed experiment or"
"How cruel you are! My Pond is the witness, this rubber band can grant you but only one wish after that the it will vanish. If you don't believe it, Pond is the one who willing become my guinea pig." I look at Pond who nods his heads several times.
"Yeah, actually why today you are so silent?"
"Because what he wished for, He wish not to talk if I don't say he can talk, but he only wish it for one days." Aim said with a sad eyes. Pond just look at her annoyed, when he know his girlfriend just wanted to be fun.
"So, I just said my wish is, then it will respond? " Aim shrug his shoulder "Actually, I don't know when we know what we wish is be granted or not. There are not having detail information for that. You have to thankful to me, because this rubber is the last one, and I found it in the mountain of rubish of mine. Hehehehe. Please try it, maybe it can help you if sometime happen"
"Okay, I will keep it." I put the rubber band in my wrist. Pond just nodded at me and we going back to the group.


Too long!! What they are talking about?

Tin frustrated about Can missing with his friend just for a minute. Ae and Pete look at Tin who walk around infront of them while in canteen.

"Would you sit down, Ai Tin? You are annoying us" Pete said.
"Ai Tin! Just sit down, it is only 2 minutes Can excuse himself, and here you like going lose him forever." Ae said and Tin shoot him a look. Tin walk around, worried about Can who not with him beside class and practice.

"Tin~" Can voice can be heard beside them while Can hug him cutely and smile happily at Tin.
Tin smile at his baby Can who looks so adorable and cute right now. "You done?" Tin kissed his temple showering him love.

"Ew, get a room two of you," "where Aim and Pond, Can?" Ae said.
"Hmm, they said they have something to do. Tin lest go home na~ hungry" Can said cutely to Tin.
Tin chuckle and nods his head, his hand in Can waist and drag him apart from his friends. "We go first" Tin said while Can just wave his hand and say "see you next day".

Pond and Aim

"You can talk now but only with me" Aim said with pout in her lips.
"Finally! Ai' Aim~" He want hug her but Aim stop him.
"Don't you dare." Pond just stop and nods several times and they walk.

"Pond, am I too much?" Aim suddenly said while they are walking.
"Huh? What are you thinking now Ai'Aim?" Pond is used to her behaviour when she talking like this.
"I don't know, actually, are you regret being with me?" Aim stoped and look at Pond.
Pond look at his beautiful girlfriend, he look her clear eyes and beaming face, mesmerized by her beauty.
"What is it? How can I regret being with you. You are my everything.."
"But, I am to reserved, my friend said that too. I am not like 'another' girl."
"What a silly thinking *tap her head slightly* I ask you to be my girlfriend because I love you, the you I am in love not another girl. If someone said that you are to reserved or something like that, don't take their bullshit. I choose you because of you."
"Hey, ChaAim, listen to me, if your friend said you are to reserved because you don't let someone touch you or like that, maybe you should avoided them. I respect what is your decision. Though I am a little pervert.."
"Little?" Aim questioningly my phrase.
"Okay, okay, big pervert.. but i respect whatever your decision, because of that I know the women I choose to date it the good one, being in relationship not always having something 'fun' you know" Pond said with concern and serious voice.
Aim smile at Pond.
"Go back home safely, my beautiful. Text me when you arrive" Pond said to Aim when she is being pick up.

"Aa!!! I forgot" Aim said suddenly when she going to get into the car.
"What?" Pond surprise at her sudden talk and ask her.
"What should I do, Ai Pond?! I forgot to tell Ai'Can that the wish only happen if you wish it by heart not talk!"
"But you said you didn't know how that things work!"
"Yes, it true, what I mean is the power of granting the wish is random, if you have 5 wish that you said with your heart, the rubber will pick randomly. In your case, because you only ask one, the rubber grant your wish. Which is the time between the wish and grant only 5 minutes!"
"So, let just say, I wish to be happy and in 5 minutes I don't wish anything beside that, it will grant my wish. But If I have more than a wish the rubber will pick randomly my wish!"
"What are we going to do with Can?" Aim said while worrying her friend, Can.
"It is okay, maybe he didn't make a dangerous wish, maybe he will make a wish about Tin, food, and himself. Don't worry, can is so simple mind."
"I hope there are nothing happen with his wish. How stupid I am" she touch her temple and shook his head.
"Just go home, don't worry about it. Text me when you arrive na~" Aim just look at Pond smile and nodded her head while get in the car. "Bye~" She opened her car window. "Bye, Love. Be careful na~" Pond said with flying kiss to her.


Please enjoy my story. I hope my stories always entertain you.

Today, I am thinking making a new story about Tin and Can while the genre is really mature, what do you think about that?

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Author ReyaFY555

First Love (TinCan) (Rewritten)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt