Concerned (Bughead)

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A/N: If you are not caught up to Riverdale Season 3 Episode 2, then skip past this oneshot. Spoilers Ahead!! This is set after the scene where Betty storms upstairs and FP and Jughead leave the Cooper house. 

Betty POV

I sit at my desk working on my math homework. I groan in frustration at a problem that I couldn't figure it out and decide to take a break and grab a cup of coffee from the kitchen. I keep working for another hour or so until I hear something coming from my bedroom window. I smile, seeing Jughead waving at me. I open the window and peck him on the lips before letting him in my room. 

"I wanted to see how you were doing, since I left without saying goodbye." Jughead kissed my temple, pulling me into a hug. 

"I'm fine. I should have told you about the seizure. I just didn't want to worry you." I say. Jughead leaned down and kissed my lips. 

"Remember that we are in life together. I want to know when you are not doing well so I can help, okay. I love you and I don't think that I can live with myself if anything happened to you." Jughead held me in a hug, allowing my slight anxiety from my homework to go down a lot. 

"Juggie, I'm fine now and from now on, I will let you know if I am doing well. If you could be a good boyfriend and help me with my calculus homework, that would be great." I pull my notebooks toward us and worked on the homework together. 

The next morning, I wake up in my bed, Jughead was no where to be seen. I check my phone to see a text message from him. 

Good morning! I left after you fell asleep and put you to bed. I love you and will see you in the morning to walk you to school. xoxo Jug

I smile and get ready for the day. As I was pulling my hair into its signature ponytail, I hear the doorbell ring. I quickly grab my school bag and head downstairs. I grab an apple and a granola bar from the kitchen and meet Jughead in the foyer. I guess Polly or my mom let him in. 

I give him a peck on the lips and we head out the door to school. 

"Bye, mom!" I yell as I leave the house. We walk hand in hand to the school and meet Veronica halfway. 

"Betty, Jughead told me about your seizure. Why didn't you tell anyone?" My best friend asks me giving a hug. 

"I didn't want to worry you guys. Besides, I'm okay. That's all that matters." I say squeezing the tiny young woman. 

"B, even if it worries us, you are important to our friend group and if anything happens to you, I would feel so guilty because I didn't know how you are feeling. Please let me know if you need anything." Veronica says pulling me into a hug. 

"Will do." I hug her back and we continue walking to school. The entire time I am glad that a friends who care so much about me. 

The End

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