Remember the Past's Demons 10

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Flopping to sprawl out on the floor as he moaned, Richard scratched at the bandage that covered where his IV had been. "Two damn days in the hospital and an extension on our final project along with our homework. I am sooooo done with this month," he groaned. "It can fuck off. Please and thank you."

Leon sighed and nodded as he dropped the pile of pizza boxes that they had picked up on the way home down onto the coffee table. Jac sighed, adding the four 6-pack soda bottles next to the boxes and pulled out the chip bags from the bags. "At the very least we're home and our insurance is amazing," Leon said.

"I would hope so. We pay good money for it," Jac stated. He walked into the kitchen, grabbing three wicker plate holders and the paper plates to put in them, walking back into the living room. "Do we want ice?" he asked, the other two shaking their heads. Sitting down, he handed one of the plates to Richard then Leon, Leon sitting next to him with a groan. Richard gathered himself enough to sit up, moving to sit at the coffee table, accepting a giant pillow from under the couch as he put his plate to the side. Settling on the pillow, he watched as his two friends spread out the pizza's into three piles and opened the boxes up.

"Okay, let's get the elephant out of the room," Richard sighed. Jac smiled as he broke the plastic seals around the bottles, handing one to Richard before taking one for himself and Leon. "What the flying fuck was that bullshit down in the basement?" he asked.

Jac sighed, sliding a piece of veggie, meat and straight up cheese pizza's each onto his plate, sitting back. Leon dropped some chips onto the plate before choosing his own food. "Yeah. So you two have probably done a lot of research into the house before I came around right?" he asked.

Richard nodded. "Yeah, sure. I usually do. It's gone through a few owners. Called a cult house for a really long time; said to be haunted," he mused.

Jac rolled his eyes at that. "Keep in mind that I learned all of this from my grandfather. Before he died and from his journals in the last couple of months. I swear that I would make a terrible spy. I get to know a person and I don't want to be mean to them." He bit into his pizza, chewing as he gave the smirking Leon a look. He swallowed. "It was built by the first Master. Jean's great-great-whatever grandfather. The cult itself is older though. About five hundred years of age and always hidden. There are never more than six families and only about ten of those people in a family know about everything. There are now only four families, and two of them just got knocked out by what happened down in the basement."

"And the other two families?" Leon asked. Jac noticed that his boyfriend had finished his first slice and working on his second. Richard nodded his agreement in wanting to know, mouth full of pizza.

"Mine, which has been whittled down to me and my sister, who has stayed out of this. Grandfather decided early on that she was just too innocent to deal with this life. And the other family has long been pulling away from the Master. Their grandfather hadn't liked what some of the things that had been going down. He used to remember how things used to be and how it was supposed to be," Jac said. He shrugged.

"What was this cult all about anyways?" Richard asked.

Jac snorted and opened his bottle. "Sex. Drugs. World domination in all of the best ways. The usual bullshit. But in this day and age? World domination is having a business that has influence and power. Not ruling like a king over the tiny people." Leon snorted around a chip. "The idiots who first started the cult had been duped into believing that the demon they had made a deal with was high up in the hierarchy actually. But in truth? He was a jumped up bitch that ran from the war that Lucifer had started was ending and going badly for the Fallen ones. He's not even a true fallen one."

"So what is he if he's not a demon?" Richard asked. He eyed his friend, seeing how Leon was staring at his boyfriend with bright eyes. History and mythology was always a good way to get him going. "Oi, asshole! No jumping your boytoy until we've eaten and gone over this shit. I want the information first." Leon huffed, but turned back to his food.

Jac just gave Leon an amused look before he turned back to Richard. "He is actually one of the first souls. Not quite as old as the ones we call now Adam and Eve were, but a couple of generations down," he said. "The guy was part of that direct line in some way, and had some power in Heaven. He worked with the Angels, would have become one himself if he hadn't joined in the war against Heaven."

"Don't tell me: he was blowing smoke out his ass when he said he could give the cultists all they wanted as long as they did certain things for him right?" Leon asked. Jac smirked. Nodded. Leon cackled while Richard shook his head.

"Okay. So, the demon was bullshitting with the best of them and couldn't really do squat. Was probably there to just get the fuck out of Hell, and the cult was duped. How did you learn this?" Richard asked Jac. He stole two more pizza slices and one of the bags of chips.

Jac finished off two of his slices before he continued to tell them what he knew. "My grandfather's journals were research journals more. I had to go hunting through the damn house that I'm watching for my sister while she's off finishing her degree, but I found the information. I never really read through them, not wanting to reread what I already knew. Or thought I knew. Apparently he had learned this information and, without telling us, went to confront Jean's father, the last Master. He had a warning in his last journal and entry that if he died, it was most likely murder because he spoke out against the cult. Which was a big insult in the mind of the last three Masters."

Richard hummed as Leon pressed against Jac. "You mind if I read over his journals?" Leon asked. Jac thought for a moment before he shrugged.

"If you want to. If you do want to publish his journals though, please change the names in it," Jac requested.

"Of course I will. I'm sure that I can write a series of essays at the least about this cult thing and how it came to be with the help of the journals," Leon mused. "Do some heavy research."

Richard smirked. "It could probably tie into your thesis easily," he said, Leon nodding in agreement. "Back to your grandfather: he found out, contronted the Master and did what?" he asked.

"He created a new will to leave everything to my sister and I. Made it so that my father couldn't touch it even after my mother 'ran off', and hid all of the books that he had found the information in," Jac said. "And yes. I did really think that my mother had run off. She was often seen with a man who I had been told had been her lover after she had disappeared."

"Well. All this bullshit has finally come out and the people who fucked up can be punished," Leon drawled.

"A lot of trials to attend," Jac warned him. Richard waved one hand.

"It won't be happening for a while since they still need to hash out what they're going to charge the idiots with. They've already figured out that at the very least, it was Markus who killed your mother along with your father, his kids are going to end up somewhere because not only are they insane, but they're partially catatonic. And Jean is just an idiot with a rap sheet as was discovered," Richard stated. "I don't doubt that the trails won't happen until after the New Year. I'm going to be taking online courses for the next few years so I can have more time on working on my thesis research."

Jac hummed, smiling down at his friend and nodding his head. He was glad that he had decided to speak with the police when it came to the body that they had found. And that he had turned snitch since he had never actually done anything. He also hadn't know what Markus and every one had done either. In the cult, you had to be eighteen to be fully trained in what they wanted you do, and he had still be training between the rest of his life.

Settling down with their food total, the three talked about what could have happened with the ritual gone wrong. They missed the subtle scent of roses and lilies that floated through the house, much to into in making their friendships that much stronger after such a harrowing experience.   

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