Remember the Past's Demons 3

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Pursing his lips as he stared at the information that he had found so far, Richard groaned. Leon looked up from the history books that he had spread around him and frowned. "You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah." Richard sighed again, pulling his tablet and laptop closer to him. "I'm just...wowed at how little there actually is about this place. You would think that there would be more information around than there actually is. Sure there's scattered newspaper articles, but mostly about how the gardens won again. I might have to travel to the main campus as much as I don't want to."

"Why?" Leon asked. "It's nearly a two hour drive one way on a good day. There's a reason why we don't have classes out there."

Richard wrinkled his nose. "Well outside of the fact that I have to deal with the bullshit that is the asshole that is a student teacher that hates my mom for whatever reason, the main library is there."

"I thought that they had all the back newspapers scanned though," Leon said. He put his pencil down. "Or was it just the main files?" he asked.

"Just the really old shit so far. the stuff between 1980 and 1920 so far. The stuff that is falling apart. There's some stuff scanned from the 1920's, but that's just about the land and how it was bought. The house itself wasn't actually built until about 1934." Richard stood up and stretched out his limbs, baggy shirt falling to his thighs. "It's still early enough that I can run out there today without getting caught in traffic. It's only ten," he said after checking his phone. "No work today to."

"And we have already been at this for over an hour. Today. Yeah. Okay. You got enough gas?" Leon asked. Richard grunted.

"I have enough. And money to get more. Garrett's due in an hour right?" Richard asked. "I'll leave him to you. If you do find a thread that you think I need to follow while there, send me a text. I'm going to raid the loose coins if I find something to print out." Leon nodded, watching as his friend quickly packed up, only leaving his laptop to shut down after he unplugged it.

Richard headed up to the second floor and for a working shower, which Garrett had done while waiting for the cabinets since there was a slight delay in them and he had finished the flooring. It still made the two men happy to have even one working shower that looked good. They were just waiting for new toilets and the rest of the shower bits for the other bathrooms but the upstairs was mostly done. Richard had to finish off some shelves for their closets but he had plans for that.

Taking his shower, Richard got dressed in actual clothes, pulled on his shoes, and packed a secondary bag full of notebooks, pens, and folders, along with a secondary laptop charger. Bounding down the stairs, he snickered at his friend, finding the guy spreading his own work out even more, laptop closed and laptop bag next to it. Loading the laptop into his bag, he grabbed his change bag, which was just a glorified drawstring purse that came from his grandmother, and walked to the shelving unit in one corner. Kneeling down, he unlocked it and opened the bottom doors.

Inside were several jars for each coin, and one that held all the single dollar bills from that month. When they had met in their last year of highschool, they had gotten into the habit of saving any change and dollar bills so that they could do something fun and expensive with their friends sometimes.

Or in this case, whey they had a project that was either for school, work, or just for fun, and it required them to print out things at the library.

Pulling out each of his change jars, excluding the penny jar that needed to be emptied, he grabbed a small handful of each coin and dropped them into the pouch. "I'll put back what I don't use when I get home. Don't forget to shift through the main catch jar," Richard said. Leon rolled his eyes and patted the large jar that sat on the top shelf of the cabinet that was opened. Grabbing his keys, things packed up, he left with a wave over one shoulder.

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