Remember the Past's Demons 9

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Two weeks after finding the skeleton, Richard and Jac was celebrating the success of a well done project and getting paired for the final project for their class. At the moment, Richard was lounging on the floor, staring at his cup of coffee that he had decided on to go with dinner. Jac was lounging on the couch, looking like he had randomly passed out, cheek resting against his hand. Leon was sprawled out on the floor near him.

Richard frowned as he noticed that a cat that didn't look to good just walked in from the front door, making him staring at it. Opening his mouth, Richard got out a soft puff of air before the world spun black and he slumped to the ground. The cat purred happily as he walked over to the three men, glad that he had been able to get Jac in the process.

The little bastard had been showing signs of asking too many questions after all.

"It is really too bad that he will have to be used in such a way," it drawled. Markus nodded, looking at the Master who just stared back at him. "Ah well. Jac was a useful pawn, but even useful pawns are useless to me if they are asking too many questions," it mused.

"Indeed, my Lord," the Master drawled. He smirked smugly as he pushed Jac to fall to the floor. "At least now he will be a good sacrifice. This fool must think that he could betray us without consequences. Such an idiot." He huffed and walked over to the basement door. "I will go down and set everything up. Markus, has you set-up the proper paperwork so that we may claim the house after everything is done?" he asked.


"I watched him do it," the creature stated. "I made sure that he had it all done. He has the story when asked that he was going to make an offer to the two young men here about getting the house in the next couple of years," the cat stated. He watched as the Master disappeared down the stairs. "I swear that his father had more in his head then this brat does."

"Which is why the new plan is to use him as a vessel until you can sire and raise a proper form," Markus stated. He walked over to Leon and easily trussed him up before throwing him over one shoulder, heading down the stairs. He put Leon into a chair and tied him to it before heading back up.

The cat smirked. "Indeed. Take those two on down next. We only have about an hour before they start to waken. I want to have everything ready before they do so though," the cat instructed. Markus nodded and grabbed Richard next, tying him on another chair. He did the same with Jac, missing that he was partially awake, his habit of drinking very little while he was eating letting him stay partially awake.

For him, he was glad that his grandfather had always taught him how to keep his body limp and lax until he needed to do something. And that it worked through his dazed thoughts, even as his body slumped in such a way to let his own bonds be a bit looser than his friends.

Standing straight, Markus started to help the Master finish setting things up, laying the lines down for him by using a small paint roller to get the thicker lines down proper, and white paint. He used a larger artists paint brush for the symbols. The cat walked around watching everything being set up, making sure that it had all be laid correctly. He didn't want to wait for another three decades for the right moon phase.

While the three were distracted, Jac carefully reached out with a foot, keeping it slow, making it look as if his lanky limbs were sprawling out from where they had been placed. When he could, he pressed a foot onto one of the still wet lines. Lifting his food, he carefully brought it back while the three weren't looking towards them, placing his foot back into place, staring at the perfect print in the still wet print as it dried in place.

He let his eyes close again, he relaxed in his ropes as he listened to Richard groan awake next to him. "Fuck. Anyone get the plate of that truck that hit me?" Richard slurred as he shook his head.

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